
Napoleon Solo

New member
Been looking at the Focusrite ISA110 Limited edition Mic Preamp & EQ. Has anyone tried one?

I also might get a Focusrite Platinum Series VOICEMASTER. For $1400 less I'd buy if it anyone can tell me if they've used it and if it's decent??

Speaking of Sir George Martin's Air Studios....did I ever tell you guys about my own George Martin story??

Do tell!

Illya Kuriaken was the man! When I was a kid I had a "Man from U.N.C.L.E." spy kit. Oh, sorry as you were sayin' bout
George Martin.........
The Focusrite Voicemaster is a nice unit, but I personally think that a tube preamp is the way to go.
The Voicemaster has been described as "very tranparent", and after listening to one I tend to agree.
I spent weeks comparing preamps... more than a dozen mid-priced brands and models. The best one in the $400-$700 range (in my opinion) is the Mindprint Envoice.
I considered many things in my evaluation. But the fact that the Envoice is a tube preamp with (optional) 24-bit digital capabilities and a built-in compressor made it hard to pass up.
Simply put, the Envoice smoked the competition.
The Envoice is very warm, yet very crystal clear. Even when you crank up the tube saturation, there's no audible noise whatsoever.
The Meek units (VC1 and VC6Q) came close, but they don't have the digital capabilities that the Envoice has (S/PDIF In and Out).
The DBX 386 was nice, too... but it has no compressor.

Advantage: Envoice

I've been EXTREMELY happy with the performance of this unit so far.
Here's the link if you want to check it out...

Comparing the myriad of preamps out there is very time consuming and tedious, but it's soooo very important when it comes to shaping your overall sound.
Compare many... and choose wisely! ;)

Well, I had this pretty good power-pop band that did only originals. One cold rainy night in February, we were playing this small music club in the beautiful California Coastal town of ******.

Right before the 2nd of 3 sets, in walks my friend ***** (who knows more about guitars than anyone on the planet). And who does he have in tow? George Martin! Due to the harsh weather the club wasn't very crowded at all. Here I am, playing the songs I wrote, and George Martin is listening to every note!

Well, after that set, I went over and was introduced to him. I sat down and couldn't speak. He told me the music was really, really, good. I still couldn't speak. It was time for the last set and Martin was STILL there. He stayed till the end, watching and listening. After the last set, I told him goodbye, and he said, "keep writing, you have something."

Of course, I was frozen.

Till this day, I'll never forget it. And that was almost 20 years ago!!

Late. NS