Focusrite Twin Pack Pre-amp...Help? Live Gig?


New member

I am thinking to purchase the Focusrite Twin Pack to use my my live gig. Is anyone use this pre-amp for live gig before? I have a pretty good setup already but I am not too happy with the vocal come out of the mixer. I had tried different mixer and speaker before and it sounds decent but not to the level that I want to achieve such as the Midas venice or Soundcraft series 5 board. I only need 2 good channels for vocal. Since I don't have the budget to buy the midas or series 5 therefoe I am thinking about the Focusrite pre-amp.

Here is my current setup:

Soundcraft LX7 mixer
Jbl SR speakers & JBL SR subs
Shure beta 87, AKG 535eb, Shure SM58, Blue 8-ball
Ashly crossover (I ran BI-amp)
Lexicon LX15 reverb effect
TC electronic M-One XL for delay.
