Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 vs Steinberg UR22 -- which interface should I purchase?


New member
A member on these forums recommended these two mixers as possibilities, but I can't decide between the two. I've found equal amounts of people saying the 2i2 is better than the UR22 and vice-versa. What I'm looking for here is why.

I'm looking to use it primarily for voice-over work. I have kind of a deep, bassy voice (here's a sample with my current set-up.)

Since I do voice-over work, and sometimes there isn't a music track or anything else underscoring my voice, I want something that produces the least possible noise. I want zero hum, if that's achievable.

For what it's worth, my mic is an Audio Technica AT2020.

I use the 2i2 and I love it. However, I do wish I'd spent £50 more and got the 2i4 for the extra pair of outputs.
Does the Steinberg have midi ports? Not sure if you'd use them but if it does... They're there...

I'm ok with the lack of midi ports on the 2i2 only because Maschine is the main hub of my setup and it's equipped with them...

I reckon you're looking at much of a muchness with these 2... Both come from companies that supply solid drivers... Both have good preamps for the price...

I'd either save up for a unit with more ins/outs (future proofing) or pick the one that'll look the coolest on your desk...
Yeah, the Steinberg does have MIDI. Which is nice. I'm not sure if I'll use them, either, but it's definitely nice to have.

The main difference I've seen mentioned is that the 2i2 doesn't have a digital I/O. Now, I don't know what that means, really. Not sure how it would effect my recordings. But if it is, or could potentially be, an issue, maybe the Steinberg will be the way to go. Not sure yet. So much research to do.
Since you say "Voice-over WORK" Con' maybe you can afford to look past the "bottom feeders"?

Not that there is anything wrong with either the 2i2or UR22 but you are handwringing a bit over possibly useful facilities so why not just get them all?

The Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 has MIDI and S/PDIF AND two sets of outputs, plus two extra line puts. Thus for about another £50 you are future proofed.

But the KA6 is not just well equipped. It comes with THE most stable drivers you are going to see bar RME. It does not matter which of 4 computers I plug mine into it just bloody works! No fuss, no drama it is just "there" every time.

But you mention "hum"? I can assure you the KA6 has none! Why would you be getting hum? Do you connect any extra gear into the system?

You've got to look at his previous posts - using a USB mixer instead of an interface.

Ah! Well! A USB mixer still should not hum. He is probably referring to the dreaded USB mixer "whine"?

The KA6 will give you a no input noise floor, record/play of better than -100dBFS. There are no capacitor mics that quiet and even if there were, there are no rooms outside the NPL!
