Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 question


New member
Hey there! I couldn't categorize my question in any other forums, so I'm posting in the newbs section, since I am one. :) I hope it's OK.

So I recently became a proud owner of a Saffire pro 40. And I immediately found out that it's gonna be a great practice tool becouse I can use it as a standalone unit. It's great that I won't have to lug my laptop to my practice place everytime I play. And listenening to yourself play drums through a microphones with head phones on is a great feeling.

Now to my question: Can I plug in my phone (or mp3-player) in Saffire's line input? You know ... for listening to a metronome or a song to play along. Or could that somehow damage the preamps? This is what I had in mind: phone -> 3.5 cable -> 3.5 to 6.3 adapter -> Saffire line input.
I'm guessing this should work, but I just want to be sure, because my understanding of signal processing in such a set-up is basic at best.

I already sent a question to Focusrite's tech support, but while I'm waiting for an answer, I thought I'd get your opininon as well.

That's it for now, but I'm sure I'll have tons of other questions, once I dive in to this stuff. So look forward to more stupid questions in the near future. :D

Yes, it does work. The signal's kinda weak, though. And I got a reply from Focusrite's tech support. They warned me the signal is gonna be weak and mono. They also told me that the best solutiotion is to get a Y-cable (stereo 3,5 -> 2 x mono 6,3) and use two imputs on the Saffire. So imma get me one of those.