Focusrite Saffire Pro 24 Opinions


New member
Hey guys,

For the past, year, maybe more, I've been trying to find an interface. I've been dragged back due to circumstances, but also due to the fickle nature of myself, and reviewers sometimes.

So anyway, the Focusrie Pro 24, does anyone have anything bad to say about it? I have two mic's at the moment, an SM57 and an SE 2200A. I'll be recording vocals and guitars, one at a time. At max, it'll be guitar and vocals together. For drums I'm using samples, bass I'll be using VST.

So, from my limited knowlage, this fits the bill. And it should be a big improvement over my old Line 6 Toneport UX2. The thing I do like is the ADAT(?) letting you expand, as the time may come where I want to record a band or whatever.

So yeah, I'm looking to take the plunge, but would like to hear some opinions. I've read reviews in mags, but they don't talk about 8 months down the line...

Ah, that's great to hear!

My only quibble is deciding between the DSP and non DSP versions. I don't truely understand the DSP part, although the VRM seems helpful.

I also need to buy a PCI Firewire card, due to running a system that doesn't have Firewire. I've read you have to have one that's Texus Instruments, but I don't know about that..