Focusrite Penta


New member
I'd appreciate a little bit of assistance...I want to record some vocals and acoustic guitar +MIDI...if I were to buy Focustrite Penta how would I connect to a pc/Mac? Do I need to buy a desk or can I connect directly to a pc through a soundcard. I'm starting afresh (pc included) so I'll buy whatever is necessary (funds permitting of course). The thing is I'm only going to record one track at a time so I do not need multiple i/o.

Sorry if this sounds so so basic..but you have to start somewhere!


You should get a good Delta sound card that fits your needs/budget. If you think you only need one track at a time you will outgrow that very soon. Get at least 2-4 simultaneous record tracks and you wont have to buy another card in 6 months.

You need more inputs if you want to do any stereo micing, vocals+guitar, guitar mic + Direct signal, etc.