Focusrite 4i4 question

Eric V

Inquiring mind wants to know
Hey all. I used to have a Focusrite 4i4 interface and then sold it eventually. Now I am picking up another one. Will it install drivers ok when I plug the new one in, or will I have to uninstall something first in order to use the new 4i4? Thanks in advance. I have Windows 11 by the way.
It will work fine - but to be honest, I'd probably just pop along to the focurite site and download the latest drivers anyway - it's always good to have the most modern ones, although I plugged in an old PC the other day and it loaded up my interface without me even asking - that must be 6 years at the very least.
Most Focusrite devices are now 3rd generation and the mix software is more 'user friendly' it seems* so best to start with a clean slate IMHO.

*Bloody needs to be! I have a Mk1 8i6 and the mix software baffles me. BTW if anyone in UK wants that 8i6 I can send it free gratis but you will have to find a 12V 2A wall rat for it.

Thank you Dave. I installed the drivers from the home site. Just waiting for the device to arrive in the mail.
Most Focusrite devices are now 3rd generation and the mix software is more 'user friendly' it seems* so best to start with a clean slate IMHO.

*Bloody needs to be! I have a Mk1 8i6 and the mix software baffles me. BTW if anyone in UK wants that 8i6 I can send it free gratis but you will have to find a 12V 2A wall rat for it.
I'd love to have it - but I've got enough over here already - not that the Mix software might be baffling - why are you using it ?
Well Mr P, my offer was really aimed at a newb or/and some budding muso with little or no money. I have donated such things in the past.

I know the situation is open to abuse and people can CLAIM to be potless then sell the things on Evil Bay but if one does not take a chance one helps no one. The interface cost me £100 s/h some years ago and I used it very rarely then discovered the NI KA6 which beats the F'rite hands down. Even the KA6 is now retired and I use a MOTU M4 but I am keeping the KA6 for the moment as a backup and for tests.

Well Mr P, my offer was really aimed at a newb or/and some budding muso with little or no money. I have donated such things in the past.

I know the situation is open to abuse and people can CLAIM to be potless then sell the things on Evil Bay but if one does not take a chance one helps no one. The interface cost me £100 s/h some years ago and I used it very rarely then discovered the NI KA6 which beats the F'rite hands down. Even the KA6 is now retired and I use a MOTU M4 but I am keeping the KA6 for the moment as a backup and for tests
You didn't answer my question - which why are using the MIX software?
"which why are using the MIX software" Can you rephrase that?! If you mean "why did I want to use the Mix software?" A ways ago I was setting up to do some dubbing from cassette to digital and the software looked useful. It wasn't but I am sure that was my fault.
Ah! Did you mean "which WAY"???