Focusing on harmonic overtones


New member
Hey a nut shell I have a guitar track that's rich in harmonic overtones that I'd really like to bring out in the mix. What are some ways to accomplish this? I originally assumed that I'd be able to eq them up, but I'm having a hell of a time isolating just what I want (I also have a cold right now, so I may just not be hearing everything going on).

Here's an example...

That almost-phased like sound is what I'm referring to. Almost like the drone of eastern music.

Make a copy of the track. On the copy, use either a high pass filter to remove as much of the fundamental as possible, or a bandpass filter to remove the fundamental and any nasty fizz up top. Then really compress the snot out of it. I'm guessing fast attack... You might have to go back and forth tweaking the eq filter and the compressor until you're locked on to the overtone. You might also have to use automation to move the eq filter as notes change...hopefully not 'cause that sounds like a pain in the ass.

Then mix the copy back in with the original. Really watch the phase. I dunno... might work. Good luck.