FMR RNC - Question About Applications


Black Knights of the 4H.
Will Sending 2 Different Signals to Stereo Compressor Interfere W/ Each Other?

i have several RNCs. I know that they are not dual mono comps - i guess they are linked / stereo or sumpthin'.

let's say i have two signals i wish to compress with the same settings - since that's really all you can do with the unit. say maybe two toms or kick and snare.

using this scheme, will the two signals interfere with each other as they pass through the compressor. like if the release of one signal is not done before the next transient from the other channel enters its circuit - will it affect or re-squash the first signal before it is finished... if that makes sense :confused:

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If on tom's and only one is hitting at a time, and given close to the same signal strenghts and compression tasks so the common threshold and setup is good for both... looks do able.
But if the case is where one' triggers gain reduction while the other' doesn't want reduction... oops. :)