FMR Audio RNLA or ART Pro VLA Tube Compressor?


New member
Hey ya'll
I'm on the market for a 2 channel compressor.
I'm leaning towards the Pro VLA because I love the way tubes sound.
However, I have no idea what the RNLA might sound like so I'm also interested in that as I've read a couple nice reviews and understand FMR equipment is great. (I'm not looking for something totally transparent, or I'd buy a RNC!)

RNLA Pros:
$225-ebay ($270 for Pro VLA)
Backpack-able..small in size (I travel alot, mostly to NYC/Philly..Pro VLA I will need a portable rack case)
-I've used FMR RNC, good peice of gear.

The only "Con" i can think of is as a comparison.. and that it isnt tube gear.. no tubes to switch out, blahblahblah.

ART Pro VLA Pros:
Tubes baby!
Knobs are spaced out a little more, and with seemingly a few more options.
VU meters are the sheezy
$ (about $50+ from the RNLA, plus a rack case)
Sorta big (2 space rack unit as opposed to 1/3rd)

Any other input would be greatly appriciated. My gut feeling is I'm going to end up with a couple of both in the long run, but I'm only working with about $300ish and I'd like to get one or the other soon.. because if I don't, ill spend the money on beer and hookers.

I bought an Art a while back cuz guys were talkin' about 'em, gave it to my son. I have had a RNLA since they came out, I don't let him use it. Nuf said...
Renascent said:
RNLA Pros:
$225-ebay ($270 for Pro VLA)

$ (about $50+ from the RNLA, plus a rack case)
The Pro VLA's are going for about a $100 less on Ebay than the price you mentioned. The last one I watched ended for $165. Excellent condition, low hours, and great seller.

Theres some good news!
I wouldn't concider the toobs a pro. I also have never used one of that model of ART. I've had other ART gear and I like it, but I've sold every last piece. And all the toob gear is interesting, but its not really tube gear. Sticking a toob in the signal path doesn't do what the marketing hype says it does.

The RNLA I do own and I love it. Sounds more like a classic tube LA than anything else I've ever heard that wasn't a classic LA.

I'd put my money on the RNLA. Hands down. In fact I have. ;)

I don't use very much compression or Limiting... I've got the VLA and it comes in handy when I do...

My unit is very clean and transparent sounding. It works fine for me... Won't be looking for another squasher anytime soon. :)
HRmm.. def. leaning towards the RNLA

I figured the tubes werent.. real.. tube .. i mean, its tube, but i know it's not a true-tube compressor. otherwise id have to save over a grando for that :p

I have been watching ebay for a VLA for under 250.. perhaps, ill buy a RNLA and if/when a VLA pops up for very cheap, I'll pick one up.

Thanks for the tips ya'll
I've owned both the RNLA and PRO VLA and prefer the PRO VLA. I was dissapointed in the RNLA and sold it less than a month after buying it. But it sounds like portability is a factor for you as well, an area in which the much smaller RNLA wins out.
Ask Massive Mastering, what he thinks of the PRO VLA, he lurks on these very forums, which he has said its not right for every mix, but can be great for some mixes. Its the main reason I bought one, that and for $299 I got a MXL V67 to go with it in a ebay package deal from a dealer. I compared it to the LA-2A UAD-1 plug and for the life of me I couldn't tell that much difference with -3dB gain reduction with both of them on vocals. Recorded dry, then went back out to the VLA then back in so I could compare the same performance in reaper, where the second track then got the LA-2A treatment. Went back and forth soloing the two tracks, it was hard picking a winner. I know -3dB gain reduction doesn't show much, but it was enough of a test to say I like both for different reasons, the only negative I really noticed with a PRO VLA was maybe a small loss of highs, but that would be picking nits, not a glaring "gee man where did all the highs go". Its a good compressor that does add color, maybe not as much as a real LA-2A, but we are talking way, way, way less money for two channels vs one. It just might be ART's best product, I know not saying much there, but really give it a head to head shoot out if ya can with a RNLA.
i've used and use 160s on a regular basis, they are much more readily avalible. Tube compressor and/or RNLA, however, are not as avalible. Hence being on the market for one :P
Pro VLA with some NOS GE or Raytheon 5751's. THEN do a shootout with an LA2A and see what you think. I could only afford on comp and after LOTS of reading, went with the Pro VLA and changed the tubes. It was "OK" with the stock tubes. Creamy Golden with the new ones.
I just picked up an RNLA and I'm pretty happy with it. I've only had a chance to use it over a stereo bus, but I'm doing a mix on Weds and I'm anxious to try it out on some more tracks. The next peice of gear I'll buy is most likely going to be the ART unit though. I'm already looking for tube replacements and such on ebay. Next is some nice pre's...arh.
SRR said:
I compared it to the LA-2A UAD-1 plug and for the life of me I couldn't tell that much difference with -3dB gain reduction with both of them on vocals.

My question would then be, if portability were a big issue, why not just go with the plug-in?

To say it sounds just like a plug-in isn't a resounding endorsement of hardware, but more of an endorsement of the plug-in.