
This would sound pretty cool if you could get the bass and drums to align rhythmically.

EDIT: BTW, why would you put a thumbs-down icon tacked onto your own mp3 post? ... imagine it's just going to direct potential listeners away.

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Oh man, a bit too much wine that day. Those icons were pretty close together...when you're hammered crosseyed. Uh, my head still hurts.

I'll re-record the whole thing this weekend, fix up teh bass and everything.

Thanks for listening!

(can't seem to edit the icon, for some reason)
Kind of reminds me of something that Black Sabbath would do. Have to agree with Mr. Lawler though. Gotta get those instruments tighter. Otherwise it kinda sounds half-assed. That's no reflection on you as a musician of course. It seems circumstances were hindering.
superbeatballer, you've got my influences spot on :^)
I suggest you dust off Melvins' Lysol album...

Updated the mix, I tightened up the bass with the drums. I wish I knew more about drum arrangement, this is a bit ad-hoc. The guitar is still out "there" somewhere, but I don't really know what to do about it.

Rhythm's better, especially during the first minute. After that the left bass is leading the beat a lot but I like its tone - kind of bright and growly. The two basses are getting good tones for separation of the parts and musical interest. Mucially, the listener's gotta be watching for small details in this.... more of an eastern approach to repetition with subtle variations.

Can be tough to track along with a sparse rhythm track like this. If you’re not doing it already, you might try using a busier sampled drum part in the bassist’s headphones for monitoring while tracking, but leave just the sparse drum track in the final mix if you prefer.
