Flooring advice


New member
I'm a complete noob when it comes to sound treatment, but from lurking around these forums the past couple months, I have a general idea of how a room should be treated:
Broadband absorbers on as many corners as possible and on the points of first reflection, preferably hardwood floors and absorbent ceilings, otherwise, a cloud above the listening area.

I have a sort of a strange question. We're shopping around for carpets at the moment, and stumbled upon a good amount (120 sq. ft. worth) of free hardwood flooring. The people at the store were about to throw it out, since they were "leftovers". I wasn't planning on reflooring my bedroom studio (currently carpeted), but if it's free then why not?

The only problem is, my studio/rehearsal space is 15x11, or 165 sqft, and we only have 120 sqft worth of wood. I was planning on making 4 6x5 rectangles and using trial and error, but I was just wondering if I could get some advice from more knowledgeable people on this forum. Any tips that would give me some sort of clue as to where to start? I don't have anything on the ceiling at the moment, would that become a problem?

First post btw.
You will need to treat the ceiling anyway... and I would recommend 'buying' a little bit more to fill in what you are missing with the free wood. ;)
