Flashy.....or "Old School"


New member
Ok, so if money wasn't an issue, and you had your pick of an electric guitar to lets say, buy on Ebay. Which would you go for, Say something like a "crystal Planet" Satriani model, a Vai Anniversary Jem. Something of that nature, newer but flashy, or..........a 59' LP, 62' Strat, something like that. Whatever you guys can come up with....Would ya blow the money on "flashy" or "Old School"
TMatt142 said:
Ok, so if money wasn't an issue, and you had your pick of an electric guitar to lets say, buy on Ebay. Which would you go for, Say something like a "crystal Planet" Satriani model, a Vai Anniversary Jem. Something of that nature, newer but flashy, or..........a 59' LP, 62' Strat, something like that. Whatever you guys can come up with....Would ya blow the money on "flashy" or "Old School"
I'd blow my money on the one that sounds best to my ear. If having to choose between the models you listed, I'd probably go with one of the Ibanez's. But I personally like "Old School" B.C.'s.
old school here...the only "new" guitar I've ever bought was one of those Jaguar reissues in the early '90's. It was impossible to setup correctly. Also never owned any "metal"-type guitars. The fretboards always felt flat & wide to me.
To tell ya the truth, I love all these newer guitars like the Pettrucci model Ibanez & Ernie Balls, All of Vai's models, N4's etc.......But ya know, if somebody gave me the money to spend...ya gotta go for something old school. A little history, plus a GREAT sound. I'd get either an old LP or SRV strat for sure. I miss my strat I sold.....love that neck PU.
I would go with les Paul or Strat for sure, I never really cared for the handle in the upper body like Vai's Ibanez anyway. :rolleyes:
I've got a couple EB JPMs and a couple JEMS...the Ernie Ball is a nicer guitar IMHO. I also really favor the Peavey Wolfgangs. They're simply a well balanced guitar.
I'd have to go old school and go with a nice LP or tele. I can't get into Ibanez guitars...I can't pin point what it is about them. I think I just don't like the neck. If you got lucky you could get both! :D
I've got mixed feelings on this. I really like the feel of some late model guitars, especially Ibanez (I've got 3 so i obviously like them) but at the same time the tone of an older Gibson can't be beat imo. Given a choice and without the cost affecting my decision, I'm pretty sure I'd take a classic Les Paul.
I switch hit between a '61 Strat and an early 70's Les Paul Custom, and they both sound great. I guess that makes me Old School.
TMatt142 said:
Ok, so if money wasn't an issue, and you had your pick of an electric guitar to lets say, buy on Ebay. Which would you go for, Say something like a "crystal Planet" Satriani model, a Vai Anniversary Jem. Something of that nature, newer but flashy, or..........a 59' LP, 62' Strat, something like that. Whatever you guys can come up with....Would ya blow the money on "flashy" or "Old School"

:confused: Neither.....I know I am late getting into this one, but that is a strange question.

If money wasn't an issue, I would find the best playing best sounding guitar...which would be neither flashy nor old school. Why would anyone buy a guitar just 'cause it's flashy?? Or just cause it's vintage?? oh wait...nevermind. I know why....... :rolleyes: