Flanger alternative?


Captain Sea Boots
I play in a cover band, and we play a couple songs that normally have a flanger effect on the guitar ("Boys and Girls" by Blur, for example). But we're talking about 3 songs in about 70 that we do in all. I already have a very busy pedalboard, and I'm not really a big fan of flangers or phasers, so I don't want to buy a dedicated pedal for just that effect. Are there any other types of pedals that can pull that off? Wah? Here is my current setup:

guitar>Turbo RAT>Boss RV-5>Boss DD3>Danelectro Fuzz>CH-1>Boss DD20>Whammy WH-4>Boss TU-2> EHX LPB-1>Danelectro Drive>amp

Ant other decent multi-FX pedals that would add flange and something else decent?
Do you mic your amp through a PA? If so, and if the PA has a multiFX you could just have your sound guy throw some flanger on your mic during those songs.

Nothing currently on your board is going to get you there, though.

You do have a busy pedalboard. I see you have two overdrive units and one boost. Maybe one of those could go away to make room for something else?

There are a zillion multiFX pedals out there, but I'm really attracted to the Eventide units. Their Mod Factor is a multi-LFO FX box that is very versatile. Pricey at $399 but you'll never need another chorus/flanger/phaser box.
get a bigger pedal board and add another. THe eventide stuff is got to be cool but any multi-fx whatevers less than that is going to suck.

I personally have used the mxr/dunlop flanger. It has the regen knob. Very cool.
I'm quickly becoming a fan of TC Electronic. I got their rack-mounted G-Sharp and its been nothing but terrific, with very high-quality effects for an entry-level multi-FX unit (and their mid-range and high-end stuff can compete with just about any brand out there). But they've started introducing a whole array of floor units, and I saw this one while looking for something to suit your needs:


This one dual-engine pedal would replace your RV-5 and CH-1 and add some other cool effects to your toybox for about $250. Dual-engine means that you can use 2 effects simultaneously. It has chorus, flanger, phaser, tremolo, and vibrato.

Anywho, that's at least something to keep an eye out for. I can vouch for TC Electronic's high quality modulation effects from using my G-Sharp. Definitely studio quality and not at all digital sounding.
Replace your CH-1 with a TC Electronic SCF (Stereo Chorus Flanger). It's a better chorus than you have (I used to have a CH-1), and it has a very good Flanger as well.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
I might just have to save up for that SCF. I am not a big fan of the CH-1 either, but I only use that one on a few songs too.

And yes, I mic my amp through the PA. But alot of the clubs we play don't have much in the way of FX for the soundguy.