Flaming Lips - how do they get that bass sound???


New member
Been on the Flaming Lips web site. Was wondering if anyone knew how they get that cool 60's vibe bass sound. Listen to the song "In the morning of the Magicians. It's like the third song on the web site playing........ That bass sound is so organic and has this like under water effect . How do they get that....anyone???
Well, they certainly didn't use butter or cheese. :D

Seriously, though, you might try paying a visit to the tapeop message board. Bunch of crazy, cooky Flaming Lips fans hang over there. Some of those guys could probably tell you just about anything you'd need to know about how they tracked everything.
Hate to be a jerk, but if you have a computer, you should be able to do a quick google search on tapeop. The first result is the place he is talking about.
analog synths?

i don't remember which track in particular you are talking about, but i do know that the lipses get plenty of cool bass sounds from analog synths (more like a '70s-'80s vibe). watch them play live and you will see that all 3-5 lips have access to a keyboard or a guitar, but the 4-stringed thing isn't used so often.