Flakey PC


New member
This is probably a general computer question, but hopefully someone can help (I've tried other forums w/o success).

Since installing a new soundcard (Ensoniq 16 bit) and modem (US Robotics), my PC tends to occasionally reboot automatically. It has happened a couple of times while using ntrack (last night while recording a track...argh) as well as a fewof times while using fruity loops. The only other time it happened was when my 4 yr old son was playing a CD-based game and I attempted to turn the volume down on the PC speakers (from the speakers, not via the card mixer) - as soon as I turned the dial, the machine rebooted. Every time this has happened, there has been no other programs running. The machine is has follows:

Celeron 533
128 mg RAM

Checking IRQ's via Control Panel - System shows no conflicts. The old onboard sound has been disabled in BIOS (all this was done by a techie).

Does anyone have any ideas about what could possibly be causing this? Any leads would be greatly appreciated.:confused: :(
Check if the CPU fan is still working. Overheated CPUs usually result in random reboots.
I've had a few machines that use to reboot with a certain type of modem, and a certain type of mainboard chipset. Try pulling the modem out and see if that corrects it.
Is this a Windoze machine?

Right click on the "My Computer" icon and click on the "Properties" selection on the bottom of the menu.

In the "Device Manager" tab, check for red X's or yellow yeild signs with exclamation points in them.

LMK when you've done this.

The fan is definitely working (or at least it's making enough noise).

I checked for exclamation points, there are none.

Emeric, I'm going to check out on-line support re: the modem to see if it's been id'd as an issue.

BTW, I'm using Windows 98.

Computers are great, but why do they have to be so damn flakey? I'd love for hardware/software companies to concentrate more on STABILITY vs bells & whistles. I personally feel that the stability of PC's have went downhill since Windows was introduced. If you don't have to be a mechanic to drive a car, why is it that you need to have a fairly extensive knowledge of computers in order to effectively use one? Crashing is one thing - crashing during the recording of a key track about five minutes really pisses me off.

Anyway, thanks for the input. Hopefully I'll get this resolved - otherwise I guess I'm stuck with it (unless I can make friends with a computerhead).