(FIXED)Master recieve stereo tracks as mono!


New member
Im going crazy. My first problem was kinda this one


but since i saw the issue came even before that instance, i simplify things trying this:

I have a stereo track where ive recorded. I send it to master (stereo). When i pan the master track, it works fine, the level of each speaker varies, but when i pan the stereo track, leaving master centered, it act as mono. The master keeps sending the same signal to both speakers. The weird thing is, if i uncheck "master/parent send" in the track, and go directly to the hardware output (speakers) IT DOES work as stereo, because pan works as it should.

What am i missing?

edit. Maybe this screenshot could clarify my problem a little bit:

1) An stereo item on stereo track
2) Track panned all way to R (you can see the meter sending only R channel)
3) Master sending to output mono signal, even when it's in stereo.
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It looks as if you have inadvertently made your track mono. If you look at the screen shot of your track routing (the bit framed in purple), you will see that the width is set at 0%. It should be set at 100%.
I think i ... kinda fixed both issues.

1)i fixed the sending stereo tracks to master and acting as mono issue just copying all the tracks to a new blank project (restart Reaper didnt work)... :P . I think it was some kind of misconfiguration.

2) And the first thing i said about this


was sending panned mono tracks to a stereo FX folder. At first i had the same problem: altough they where panned individually, the FX folder recieve them as mono.
I found that you have to turn the "Width" option to +100% in your FX folder track .

Thanks for your reply anyway :)


Lol.. Thanks gecko, ive just noticed that 10 mins ago but my reply did never post! hopefully this forum has auto-save. But indeed, what you said was exactly what happened and both issues had the same cause! :P
Wow, this was a while ago, but I'm digging because bored at work, so...

I tried to help with that other thread, and I'm glad you got it sorted it, but I have to say that the Width on Track 6 is not the problem here. What that should do is basically pan track 6's channels 1 and 2 both to the center (with a -6db pan law as I've found recently) and then (assuming default "mono pan/stereo balance" setting) basically mute channel 1 leaving only channel 2 (a mix of the "old" channel 1 and 2) to send to the Master. The Master meter should look exactly like the Track 6 meter...unless you had the Width on the Master also set to 0. How'd these all get set to 0? [shrug]