first stuff for first studio


New member
I would like to do electronic music like IDM and D'n'B and Electronic Pop style and I want to do sound for film as well.

Now I have enough budget for my first home studio. Actually I haven't experienc about studio before. I'm such a beginer. I usually play music with my friends for fun but now I think it's time to do something seriously. I have amount of budget but I don't know how to investment for studio. what should I do first?

well, I know Pro Tools HD is necessary for post-studio but the price is too high...I just want to start from a smallest set as Pro Tools LE. What do you think about these equipment?

I thinking about 002mixer or O1V96 and Genelec1029, KRK for my first equiments. What do you think? Do I need to change my list or something? here this is my list set...please check it and suggest me something...

interface - 002rack
mixer+controller - o1v96
speaker - KRK rokit8+sub woofer

interface - 002rack
mixer+controller - commnd8
speaker - KRK rokit+sub woofer

set3 (these set much be too high for me)
mixer+controller+interface - 002mixer
speaker - Adam P11

What do you think about my list? Do I need to buy everything now but low quality or buy something that very importance first. I have budget around 9,000usd. Please give me more suggestion. I really want to know what is the best choice for my case...


(I'm using Mac G5 1.8 with Pro Tools..I already have 2synth 1electric guitar 1 acoustic guitar, 1 machinedrum)
Good Selections, But for $9000 budget you can do a lot better than this. IF you need more inputs for protools use MOTU.
For that price you can get an awful lot.
I cant really advise about rack gear, as I know nothing about it, but you can pick up a secondhand 16 channel mixer (400-500 dollars), a behringer ada8000 (200 dollars) (or even a focusrite octopre which is far better with your budget (800 dollars)), to give you 16 simultaneous inputs on your 002r (1000 dollars). You could even afford a PC that's dedicated to your music for about 600 dollars.

You then have some money to spend on outboard gear, monitors, synths, keyboards. Maybe a Roland 2080, or a proteus 2500 (with mo-phatt module).
$9-grand is a lotta bread.

A couple things you might wanna think about........

First, how many SIMULTANEOUS inputs of A/D do you really need?

And how many outputs???

Are you gonna use software FX or outboard?

What MIDI interface are you going to use?

I'd suggest one with enough I/O for each of your MIDI devices to have their own port. It will prevent a lot of headaches.

For playback you'll want a decent mixer. With the gear you list right now a 16-channel board would be a good starting point. Maybe a Mackie 1642 or if you think you're really ready for the long haul you could get a Ghost.

For tracking you might want to look into a couple channels of REALLY REALLY GOOD preamp. One that you can run your synths through, and use also for recording your guitars and vox.

You'll also want a decent vocal mic.

Next, don't forget GOOD quality patch cables. Lots of them. Even better if you can solder and make your own. Be sure and used TRS jacks for all your balanced connections.

If you're really hot to use a controller I think I'd look at one that is just a controller and not a I/O source or mixer. One that just controls parameters in your software. But that's just my personal thing.

You can do a lot of serious recording for well under $9,000 bucks. Since you already have the Mac you're about halfway there for cost. For another $4-5 grand you should be able to put together a rig that will be expandable and you won't outgrow in the very near future.

Be sure to save a few bucks to treat your control room with. Like about $500-1000 depending on how much treatment you have to do. All the nice gear doesn't serve it's purpose if you can't properly hear your mixes on playback.

I'd look at some other interfaces too. Like maybe a Layla24. Or check out the Lynx's. If you just need a couple channels of REALLY good A/D and D/A look into Lucid.

Good luck. I hope this helps some.
9000 bucks gets a good studio, especially for all-electronic music.

Check this:

Allen & Heath 24/8 mixer - 1400
Alesis HD24X2 recorder - 1300
Genelec 1029a + sub - 1200

3900 bucks you have the core of your audio system. If need be you could do 24 tracks of simultaneous audio recording to the HD24. Now that you have your core system its time to look into mixing/mastering, which I suggest using a PC for that.

DAW box or other custom built PC -2000 for world class performance with an RME Hammerfall or equivalent pro-level soundcard

Software (I recommend Cubase SX because you are doing electronic music--tons of softsynths, sampling, VST instruments, plugins and MIDI combined) - about 2000 bucks to hook yourself up big time

UAD-1 DSP card - 800 bucks (you won't be sorry on this one)

8700 bucks for a MONSTER setup for recording and producing electronic music

The only thing you need past this are some hardware synths, maybe a microphone or two, perhaps a good dual channel preamp, perhaps a good dual channel compressor... However, you can get by with VST instruments and plugins until you upgrade.

This setup would be pretty damn good!
did he say $9k? first thing i do is get them all in ones and roll around in them for a bit. then I'd look into cloneboy's post for a setup
Er .... you NEED to think about acoustic treatments ... that money is gonna be wasted if your rooms don't sound amazing. Save some proper money for that - no sense buying egg-boxes after blowing your stash on Genelecs and Neumanns.

Oh wait, microphones haven't been included in that. So you need to look at some proper mics - a few SP B1s and Shure SM57s for workhorses if that's your thing, then look at an SM7 and at least one very good LDC ... maybe a BLUE? Check out the mic faq: