first song!!

my first song! i want to know what you guys think! this is kinda a side project for me! so let me know what you think! thanks :)

hey man-

sound quality wise i think you're looking pretty good, of course i don't know that myspace is the best place to hear a song. i've noticed a lot of people use soundclick and/or lightningmp3 (not that mp3s are the best way to analyze sound quality) but things seemed pretty even...a nice balance between the electronic components and the vocals. definitely a good first start.
hey< man...great song. i really like the mix and especially your voice. would you be into to collab on some songs in the future?
yeah you need to dump my space if you want decent critiques to mixes as it upload at 96kbps...soundclick or reverb nation will get you 128...dropbox a full 320..heres a refferal if you want to use it

apart from that the songs great for a first time...strong simple melody, a little repetative but not so much as to become uniteresting...sounds like you got most of the levels and panning right..hard to say anything about the frequencies due to myspaces player :(

I hate the vocal effects...but thats a personal thing..I think you have a good voice and its just masked in auto tune..Id love to hear a version without it and maybe a better piano sample

anyhoo welcome aboard...dont forget to listen and critique others :)
My 2 cents worth.
Excellent catchy tune. Same as the others, mix is good, levels, pan etc. I personally think you have too much Autotune effect as well. I'd prefer a nice doubled vocal and add some harmonies, but as I said, that's just personal preference and crtiqueing the song, not the mix.

Overall I'd say well done!!
Well you instantly lose points for the overused autotune effect. :D I agree with kcearl. Let's hear how it sounds without autotune.

Other than that, I like the song. You've got some good background music going on. It's catchy and compelling.

The drums could use some work though. They don't have any crack to them. They keep the beat, but they don't really drive the song. They sound fine on the calmer breaks, but during the chorus, it really needs something else.
The auto tune in the beginning is pretty cool, but like everyone else says, loose it after that. I would keep it also on the background voice on the chorus, but nothing more than that. If you can get a hold of HalionOne, there is a great piano VSTi that will blow this one away. I like the synths. Not a bad song. Agree with the comment about the drums not driving the chorus. If you make the changes that everyone has suggested to you, you might have a great song on your hands. Well Done!
It's a good solid first try. I think you're overusing the Autotune feature myself. But when you hear all the songs on the radio with the same amount it's not surprising. I'd rather hear a lot more of the real voice. Just sayin'
I think there's a good little electro-pop tune in here somewhere but I can't critique the song or mix, because the robot voice is all I hear.
once we get the real autotune which is on its way we are going to make his voice more clear and mine the back up voice the same! we like it on the back up vocals but we get what you guys are saying about the lead!