first song(radiohead/bob dylan-ish)

very cool song, nice singing, i would try and tame the drums a bit so they aren't so abrasive (the crashes are a little harsh) and you have a great song and good mix
Great song. Really diggin that. Really well-layered stuff. Cracking chord changes and the bass work and harmonies are especially lovely.

Defintely cool down the cymbals though.

A lot of talent there, for sure.
Nice work. You've got a good mix here.

I'm not sure that the cymbals are neccessarily mixed wrong for the rest of the song, you may just have too many crashes. Other than that, I didn't notice any problems with the mix.
Very cool song. I like it a lot. Cool harmonies. I too, think the crashes could be tamed.

My only other thought is more about the composition/arrangement - where the song changes up from the waltz to the 4/4 beat (happens a few times throughout), I'd like to hear the guitars (and bass, etc.) change up more too. As it is, the drums change, but other than the time sig, they are played fairly similarly, so at first listen, it almost seems like a drumming mistake. If everything changed (play more staccatto guitar strums, for instance), it would be more apparent that it was intentional, and it would seperate the parts more. Or maybe there needs to be more of a crescendo (of some sort) to signal the change tween 3/4 and 4/4. I dunno....I really like it, obviously, or I wouldn't have spent this much time thinking about it....
Nice work.

I'd EQ the drums and guitars to make them less present than the lead vocal. I'd make the snare more punchy and the toms less so and make the cymbals less harsh.
I like the drums changing up the time sig a few times during the song, very cool:D
Very cool song, good performance and the lyrics are good too.
Other than taming the cymbals, no nits from me. Keep writing and playing cause you guys got something going here.

Sounds like your monitors are deceiving you on the highs. The drums and guitars could use some trimming on the highs. Drums could use less overheads and more snare/kick lower cut back on the cymbals. Vocals are quite fine the way they sound. Try uploading a 320Kps MP3 to lightningmp3,com if you want a higher bitrate. Excellent writing - I really enjoyed the song.... :D
thanks a ton for the feedback. i appreciate the attention to the details i completely overlooked. i completely agree about the crashes. way to harsh and high-end'ish.

as for my "monitors", i also agree completely. its hiding the highs and faking the lows (so badly that i had to do most of the mixing/mastering in my shitty headphones) which probably wasn't a big step up either.

my biggest worry was that most of the feedback would conclude that the drums (in general) were way too big in the mix, but i just listen to way too much damn the torpedoes :D
Headphones will get you on the bass sometimes so be cautious there too. Perhaps find a set of speakers you trust and mix for them (car stereo for example)...may take a few tries to get it just right but it's worth it...;)
Headphones will get you on the bass sometimes so be cautious there too. Perhaps find a set of speakers you trust and mix for them (car stereo for example)...may take a few tries to get it just right but it's worth it...;)

yea i throw that in to kinda balance out the headphone bias. it costs me quite a bit of blank cd's. i should start buying in bulk.