First recording in new studio


New member
My property still has the original 1930's house on it. I've turned that house into a recording studio, and this is my first mix done in it.

The mix is almost final, still gotta make a few small changes. But let me know what you think! Be brutally honest!

It was recorded on a 2.1 GHz 20 inch iMac G5 with Cubase SX3, and a presonus firepod interface.

First of all, very cool song. I'm not even a very big fan of the genre an I liked it. I really liked the ambient vocal stuff about halfway through. I thought you did a great job with that.

But I didn't think the wide vocal spread (and doubling I think?) worked well in the begining. There were other parts in the song where you did the same thing and it was awsome. It could be sweet in the begining, but its gonna take some experimentation I think, maybe retracking(sounded really really muddy through my bx5a's). But first I'd try switching the vocals and the ride cymbal as far as location goes. Try a more centered vocal sound, and then have the ride pretty far left and right, could be cool. Ohhh...and mute the guitar on the right channel untill the ride comes in, that would be sweet :).

I have to go get ready for the holiday weekend, but post your remix later. I hope I don't forget about it so I can listen when I get back on Wednesday!
Great song.

The kick and snare sound a bit compressed and don't seem to breathe well. Nice toms and guitars.
vocals are muddy here too. i agree with everything said so far. the compression is very heavy on this, so much that during the steady parts my output meters don't even move!
Cool song. I like it, the mix sounds good too. The hi-hat sounds abit harsh/too loud during the quite part though.
good song.

The vocals could use some work. Maybe brightening them up a bit? Very good guitar work. Well played, and placed.

Yeah the drums are over compressed. Sounds very dead, but listenable.

Great job.
First of all....Great song! Fine performance. I agree with LP2006 in that the vocal
should be more centered. The vocals were strong but indistinct. They need to drive
the mix. Sounded to me like they would stand on their own without all that processing.
As for the guitars, Sweet. Kick and Snare could use some dynamix. Again great song!