First Post

Not a bad tune!Of course the acoustic recorded direct is a problem as you already know.LOL.You should throw that MXL in front of your Taylor and re-cut the guitar.It'll sound a lot better...I have one of the cheapest of the MXL series and I can get decent acoustic tracks with it.

The vocal is real good.You have a nice quality to your voice and you stay ON pitch.LOL.This song has a Lindsey Buckingham feel to track that acoustic and you'll have a pretty good recording!

Good job and welcome to the insane asylum!(mp3 clinic):D
Very nice! I like the sound of this. On my end I was hearing some funky reverb on the vocal which was a little bit distracting...not sure if it is just me though...

Nice playing throughout and good vocal!

Welcome to the board!

Good job baby! I would like to hear it once you fire up that Taylor. There are some others on that CD you gave me that I would like to hear you post. Keep em comin!


Thanks for being so gentle with me!!! Thanks for your critique...I am not planning to re-record this one any time soon, but have it on a long list!!!
I have plenty more...but I am still trying to figure out how I managed to do this one!!! :)
Once again, I appreciate you guys taking the time and checking my stuff out.
By the way, most of my recordings are done in one, of course...there will always be room for bandaids and fine tuning. I welcome your insight.
I thought the triggy guitar sound was cool, but would have liked it more without as much reverb. A lighter touch may clean the guitar track up a bit, I thought I heard some buzzing fretts. I'm not familiar with the guitar you mentioned, but I get the impression it's a light touch guitar.

Good song.
I should stay out of this....

You sound like you have a good voice.
The guitar is way distracting and the vocal sound needs to be more focused, less breath and more sound.
Try to simplify the guitar rythym as much as possible to clean this sound up a bit.
Thank you

This was just a copyright submission. I originally wrote this song for someone else. I am sure you can understand why it isn't perfect. I have plenty more that I have been working on that aren't this horrible, this one wasn't much of a priority. Thanks for your constructive input.
Posted my comments over in the fostex forum.

Man, things FLY off this first page as you go get a snack from the kitchen sometimes!!! ( esp as this challenge to 'go naked' is going on.) It slipped by me totally & I've been looking forward to hearing you! Glad I did finally! Go girl!


p.s. Say hi to your daddy!
nice tune there. and your tempo was good with the picking. I was hearing a little too much of the pick on the strings and not quite enough tone from the gitar. The singing is very good but seems to be missing some frequencies in the upper midrange, kinda like a lot of bass and the crispy high end was there but the mids were out a little too much. With that eq settng I couldnt understand some of the words. Bring those mids up some and the articulation will come out more. 'great first! :)
Decent song. Good guitar part and good playing.

What's causing that buzzing sound in the guitar? Is that just the way it sounds or is it clipping? Not sure, but I suspect it was a combination of the guitar sound and the mic position. When you play it with the Taylor, you might want to try placing the mic at the 12th fret and angle it towards the sound hole.

Something weird going on at 1:54. Some minor pitchiness in the vox through 1:48 - 2:05 or so. Maybe elsewhere too, not sure.

I thought the reverb was a bit "big" for a song like this. Sounded like maybe a large room or hall. Maybe a small or medium room would suit this song a little better.

Buzzing was a result of purchasing a cheap mass produced Fender Stratacoustic with the action so jacked I had to take it to the shop and get everything re-adjusted. That's the Guitar Center for ya! BTW, the Guitar Center didn't re-adjust anything...I went to a pro for that. But, wanted something other than my dreadnaught that I could plug in and have some pre-eq control...the dreadnaught had an el-cheapo piezo pick-up also mass produced by Fender, it sounded really bad plugged in (too much treble and no real umph) but the acoustic sound was good. I eventually fell in love with this Taylor 314ce and made one of the best decisions in my life. Eventually, I will re-record with the Taylor.
Anyhow, this song was a copyright submission...the vocal range is the way it is because it was written for a man to perform, the timing was off because I was too lazy I guess and the reverb sounded a lot better on the monitors (kinda got carried away)...I just had to lay the tracks down to get it submitted. Thank you Kramer, boydrj, Jake, Doug and Flat-9 for your kind and considerate critique.

BTW Mad props to my man Flat-9 for hookin a sista up :)