First Post Remixed !!!


Though there are still a couple bugs, I am shelving it for the moment to move on.

For those who heard the first version, the fake acoustic gits are gone, and several sounds have changed. Also at the request of Jamal, a short solo was added in the dead zone.

For my first digital effort this was a great learning experience!
It was amazing how after changing a couple things the entire mix had to be flushed. I hope this comes through a little better.
Thanks for your attention!

Good clear vocals, mix sounds good, I'd like to hear that lead guitar a little more. I just started recording digitally myself and can relate to your learning experience ;) This sounds great to me, maybe a tiny bit soft. Nice work, I like it :D
nice improvement over the first one..

I guess since your shelving it I'll save my complaints.. :)

this does sound better now.. nice tune!
Hey jcmm.......
.......nice work man. This is your first digital effort? ....consider that a victory! Nice songwriting man. And, nice vocals...... cool. ...a little dennis deyoung 'ish.

Great work man, looking forward to hearing more.

Sounds great,sorry I missed the first one.
You guys sound a lot like Marshall Tucker.
Really fine singing,and nice writing!

Why are you going to shelve it,I think it's areally good song.
Just sounds like it needs a bigger acoustic guitar/strumming sound.
How did you record the rythym part?

Good stuff!


Man, I don't know how I missed this. (I must have been on strike?).

Actual emotion in a vocal...LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Seriously strong stuff. Backups = cool. hehehee...for some reason, I guess I kinda' thought you were a 12 year old delinquent before hearing this...I should put less faith in avatars, and more in music.

Nice, nice, better than nice, job.