First mix post! What do you think?

The first thing I notice about the mix is the stage is incredibly claustrophobic. Everything seems to be center - or close to center... Don't be scared of the panners. They're your friend. :)

Also, the mix is generally pretty "airless"... There's no real high-end going on.

Not entirely sure whether or not I can hear the room being recorded or not, but it seemed to me that the room you were in was affecting the recording.

Good going on the song, and keep it up!
Okay - sounds much better to me now. Having a little trouble with soundclick, but it should be correct now i hope. Please listen again!

What would you do to increase hf content Poetic?
Okay... Yeah, that sounds 1000% better. Along with making it mono, it probably reduced the frequency from 44.1 to 22 or lower... So.. The new recording now has much more "air" to it. Good high-end now.

Listening to the new recording.... Your snare is quite dark. Your kick drum is almost non-existent. (I'm listening on crappy headphones, so take it with a grain of salt)

I think your snare sounds really good in your room... It sounds like it has a great tone to it, but for some reason the recording isn't letting it pop. I'd try to do something about that...

Other than that, the recording sounds quite a bit better than it did before... Much better...

One other thing - the vocals are covered up, sometimes by the electric guitar drone coming from my right ear. Compression can usually fix stuff like that.

Good job!
Thanks guys. Yeah, I played and sang everything. Agreed about the drums. I'm having a little trouble with them, just used two mics, so getting the snare to pop, cymbals to sparkle and kick to thump is a little daunting.
I'm listening on computer speakers right now, so I can't really comment about frequencies and stuff. But you are one heck of a song writer! :eek: That was very pleasant to listen to. Good job.
I like the mix. Agree with the snare thing. That really stand out. I think the vocals need some automation also. The dont sit right on top of the music the entire time, like they should. All in all, I really liked this tune. Very well done.
Thanks everyone for your kind replies. Does anyone have some specific advice for getting the drums to pop?

The song itself is not really my cup of tea, but what you're doing you're doing very well performance-wise, etc.

I think the snare sounds decent but I don't hear a kick drum at all on my set-up (stereo amp through desktop speakers). It sounds as though you didn't close-mic the kick, and I think you should have.

Good luck
Yeah the drums don't work. If you're gonna use 2 mics, you might wanna try using one mic as a room mic and one just for the kick.
Okay so, do you have any specific advice on maybe how to make these drums work better in the mix? I may rerecord them at some point, but if I can get them sounding better the way they are, I'll probably call it done on this song and try something different for the next.

What about them isn't working for you Greg, and what would you do (with these recorded sounds) to remedy it?

Okay so, do you have any specific advice on maybe how to make these drums work better in the mix? I may rerecord them at some point, but if I can get them sounding better the way they are, I'll probably call it done on this song and try something different for the next.

What about them isn't working for you Greg, and what would you do (with these recorded sounds) to remedy it?


Hey man,

I'm not answering for Greg, but here's my take. Re-recording the drums would be your best option IMO. Of course that's not always possible. If you want the bass drum to change in level relative to the snare you are going to have to isolate all of the bass drum hits manually. If you have a crop feature in your DAW that could work. Once you have a track that is just the bass drum hits you can EQ and whatever else you want. A simple gate wouldn't work for this as the snare hits are probably a lot louder than the bass drum hits. This would be ridiculously time consuming too.

Everything else sounds good to me.
I don't think I'm gonna go to those lengths. If I get a chance to re-record, after I've put drums on my other tunes, I may. Until then, I think I'll try a little compression, eq, a slight volume increase in the drums overall, and call it a day.

Thanks everyone for your input.
Guitars and voice - performance/tone are great, goob job!!

They sound faint and lifeless. Where's the kick? I'd re-track them.

Agreed; altought I´m not fan of snare tone, it is "there", but kick it´s pretty low in the mix.
