First mix. Please comment.


New member
This is my first real try at making something that sounds good. It's a demo/EP for the band I play in.

The drums were recorded as one track, so there's nothing I can do about the individual levels.

Any suggestions or tips to get a better mix?
The tracks are not mastered yet, so the volume is low.

First step is too stop the person singing.

The voice is sick, out of tune, and absolutley NOT musical at all.

The "vocalist" is completely ruining otherwise good tracks.

Mixing isn't appropriate when you've got someone in the band who is ruining the music.
I listened to the first song.. always nice to hear some metal.. :)

it's a shame that the drums are on 1 track because they needed to be e.q.'d seperate from the cymbals.. only thing I would suggest is to try and make the vocals sit better with the music.. maybe add some reverb on the vocals.. the guitar solo was way too low..
first song - I agree with Cygnus X-1, the solo is way too low; on the other hand, the vocals are way too loud and dry.
(as wished, no comment about the music)

I thought the vocals were cool, I tend to find death vocals theatrical. He's got the voice for it.
I'm not much use commenting on this sort of mix. I think the verb on the guitars may have been too loud, they seemed kindof bassy and muddy. I liked the barbed wire distortion sound they had.
You are welcome to comment the music in addition to the mix of coruse! Thanks for the tips. I'm completely aware of the low volume on the solo, just didn't bother to re-export it again ;)
Well then I have no comment.

As a record producer I can't comment on mixing techniques when the "music" is so non-musical that it's helpless.

Look, I'm not a record producer, and I haven't listened to metal in a good many years, but the singer has the voice for what he's doing. I will say this old fart, it sounds like he's singing in German..LOL. I only d/l'd the first tune....I thought it would be interesting to hear Grandpa doing death metal. I actually thought it was pretty good. I do agree the solo needs to come up. Rock on Grandpa!
