First mix critique of a new project I've been working on! (punk/hardcore)


New member

Some friends and I have started a new project up and this is the first song of 5 that will eventually be our debut 7". First mix pass so please feel free to shout out any and all critiques you might have! We recorded everything on our own in our practice space. Oh and the track is unmastered so a bit low in volume to leave plenty of headroom!

Thoughts? Much thanks in advance for giving it 2 minutes of your ears time if you choose to do so!
I had a listen and i know it's a preliminary mix but it sounded pretty muffled and muddy to me, and really lacking in mid/upper mids. Bass was really woofy and the drums sounded pretty distant. Just out of interest to me, what sort of volumes did you mix this at? It sounded better to me at cranked up volumes, but at lower volumes it got all washed together and sludgey especially the guitars and bass. But i guess this is meant to be loud. Vocals were probably the clearest element to me. Not down on the song at all, just an opinion of what i heard from a quick listen.
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The guitars sound very compressed, dull and digital.
The whole mix sounds rather drowned out. Not many high frequencies going on.

Good performances.