First Mastered Single


New member
Hey All

This is the first song I've successfully finished and mastered as much as I possibly can. I have recorded this song before however I decided to restart the process because since the first recording I had learnt more about mixing and masterng. Anyway please let me know what you think as well as give me any pointers as to how I can improve on the quality of the recording.

Tune is very good, Micheal.
I hear some stuff in the mix/master though: overall it sounds like you scooped the mids pretty drastically. The guitars especially lack a bit of body in the middle. The master sounds very compressed, which gives it less dynamics. I would ease up there and let it breathe more. Drums don't seem to stand out properly and I think that's due to over-compression. Nice guitar playing. You're on the right track so keep working at it.

Joey :)
Awesome stuff. I will definitely check those things out and adjust them appropriately when I record the vocals! Thanks again!
Anyway please let me know what you think as well as give me any pointers as to how I can improve on the quality of the recording.


Sounds as if the original tracks were pushed a little too much. The overall loudness is good, but I hear clipping in it.