first live recording


New member
I recorded this live in my basement, The drums have 3 mics on them, the guitars have RS intrument mics on the cabs, the bass is DI via bass pod, then did vocals on top. Definetly recorded a little rough but its the first one.....check it out.

downloading it now....stand by!

God I love my new DSl service!!! Don't know how I lived without it!

brb, Jason
well.....where to start. there is a Led Zepplin sound to it. I think the guitar playing is really good....quite a bit of hiss in the recording though.....some harshness in the guitar sound. OK, there goes the Led Zepplin sound!!! My wife and kids hust came running in! LMAO.....yikes!! Satan just kicked in!! Are you ok? Man, i really like the first three minutes. Started it over......
the vocals.....they have to be sore....are buried in the mix. I don't really want to know they are saying. yikes.....well the first three minutes were good. LOL....not my sysle. But, you guys are definately talented musicians!

the recording could be better....what are you using to record with?

Man, i hope my monitors are ok!!?'s ok to come out now.....come's over....
Oh yeah should have mentioned...this is a metal band. We are influenced by everything from swedish death metal to pink floyd. We are very diverse. I am recording with Cool Edit 2.0 using a Behringer ADA8000 A/D converter into a Gina24 via adat. All the hiss is from my guitar players old peavey head. The tubes havent been changed in atleast 13 years prolly closer to 20 though. He keep telling him he needs to get that thing fixed but is being a serious punk about...dunno what his deal is. Anyway glad you liked the first 3 minutes atleast. Oh yeah just because we are metal and our singer growls doesnt mean we drink goats blood and sacrifice virgins in the name of Satan. Thats stereo-typing and im sort of offended.