First "in the box" mix

No complaints here, except maybe I'd like to hear it without the soundclick compression artifacts. Nice job.

Thanks amoeba, I never realized the Zappa influence, but now that you mention it, I do have to admit a Zappa influence - at least in terms of humor, wish I could play like the guy! Now if you will excuse me, I have to tend to my crop of dental floss. :) Thanks again for the listen.
Wow this is good. Very very nice mix. The only thing that bothered me is the distorted guit. It sounds lonely and weak. I think it should be stereo but that's more of a style aspect rather than technical. Nice ;)

edit:how long did it take you to grow your hair that long by the way?
Great writing on this tune...original and interesting. The rhythm guitar gives it a nice groove. It does have a somewhat Zappa vibe - in the chorus mainly. It has the humor, but mainly the shift in the tone of the vocals. Though similar it is still unique... The mix sounds good. The instruments all sound clear and clean. I'm hearing a bit more volume on the vocals in the chorus than on the verses...I might take that down a tad and see how it sounds. Very well crafted piece of music, I like the variety in the instruments and vocals throughout.....

:) :D :) :D
idol & brokenhat: Thanks for the feed back. You both raise very good points. I will try to incorporate your suggestions in the next test mix this weekend. Thanks again. Also hat - I haven't cut my hair since I graduated military school a very long time ago. :)
I agree with everybody else who said it. The distorted guitar could use some thickening. Maybe a similar effect like the voices say "rocking in stereo, jamming in the studio" and stuff. Speaking of which, the voices, they seem a bit too loud to me. The lead vocal is great though. Very quirky song!
Thanks again to everyone who had a listen and offered feedback. I really do appriciate it. I plan to work on the mix this weekend, and will attempt to address the items brought to light in your feedback. I'll post the results when the mix is done. Thanks again everyone.
Myhat may be right about the distorted git. It doesn't quite sit in the mix.
The reply/echo vocal around 1.25 is a little low even on h/phones.
The rhythm git is very up front as are the vox but they all sound right in the context of the song.
Nice to hear some other influences sneaking through.
Zappa said he when he spoke his lyrics it was because there were too many words for a brain to comfortably manage when wrapped in a melody - not the same when he had Flo & Eddie in full flight.
You seem to have found a convenient compromise between the density of words and the convolution of melody.
Good work.
Nice production. All the parts sound great overall. Well, there's a bit at around :13 where the gtrs don't sound rhythmically tight if I were to nitpick. I think the mix needs just a bit of glueing together. I dropped it into Reaper and did some mild compression with Reaper's event horizon limiter, and liked its sound in that "glueing together" aspect.