First attempt acoustic...


Thanks for trying.

I've corrected the link.

Is there anyway you can link directly to an mp3? I couldn't seem to get it to work so have created a quick page.
too much plectrum noise at the beginning.
The vocal micing seems OK but the guitar mics/mixing are/is picking up too much middle & not enough of the rest. There are occassional jangles - which sound a tad detuned to me - but not enough of the prettiness of the instrument. Lighter pick? More open chords?
There are a few playing mistakes. Did you record vox & gtr simultaneously? Try for a more accurate guitar track - maybe double track even so you have something to create a stereo image with.
Keep at it
The guitar sounds muddy. A new set of strings would help there a LOT. Personally, I love the sound of "plectrum" (actually i just like to say it. Plectrum plectrum plectrum). The tune's not bad but its repiticious. It needs something to break it up. Keep trying my friend.
Thanks for the feedback, nice to know I'm at least heading in the right direction.

I didn't have my stereo paired mics so I placed the B2 Pro near the bridge and the 57 near the 12th fret. Most of what you hear is the B2, I added a bit of the 57 as it had more middle and low end.

The vocals were recorded separately.
There is some additional noise at the beginning - have a listen. The functional sound of a plectrum is a given. These sounds were different and may have been something else entirely.
Ok, here's my thoughts:

I actually like the sound of the guitar, however if the song is ONLY going to feature acoustic guitar and vocals, you should probably strive for a "fuller" guitar sound. The sound you have may work well in a mix with other instruments, however, and actually I'd like to hear this particular song with more instrumentation anyway. I think you also need to work on perfecting the performance. If you can't nail the whole guitar part in a single take, then perhaps record it several times and use the best part of each track to make a "composite" track that sounds free from playing errors - If you're at all like me, you could go crazy trying to get a perfect performance from start to finish all in one take! Also, strive for a noise free environment when recording the acoustic, rayc was correct about hearing some noises in the background.

You have a cool voice!

My recommendation: Add some light drums and bass to this song. Then add a keyboard part to fill in the blanks here and there. Perhaps do something to kind of change things up a bit in the middle of the song - break up the monotony so to speak. Once the music is filled out and perfected I believe your voice will carry this song.
When you say there's too much middle is there any specific frequency range you mean?
Now you mention it I can hear some other noises, will have to see where they are.

Thanks for the suggestions.
This isn't actually me!
I record other people as a hobby, this was recorded in a students bedroom in a hall of residence so getting a real quiet room was never going to happen.
It was a bit rushed as well so I only managed to get one take of this.

I'll pass your suggestions on.

Perhaps I might try adding some bass guitar myself then I could reduce the middle-low end on the guitar a touch.
I listend to another song on there. the drums are obvious samples/loops/machines (not that its bad, but when a machine is used you generally need more *stuff* in the mix to make it ok), but I would increase the level on the vocals just a tad. Its a little hard to hear. Also, if you don't plan on using other instruments, I would dub the gutiar part so you have two guitars playing the same thing and maybe pan them about 9 and 3 o clock......and since its a little repetative as mentioned before, mayube add a guitar lick in the 'chorus' part where the cymbal is playing.