First AI & mic purchases.


New member
Without starting two more new threads on what to purchase as my first digital gear...

I think I'll go for a Steinberg UR22 AI which judging from the specs seems to be able to do all I'll need and, as I'll probably need an extra mic, I've been looking at a Rode NT1-A as a possible vocal mic. My sure Unispheres should handle the rest for me.

Are the Steinberg UR22 and the Rode NT1-A, decent choices to get myself started?

I also have a quad core desktop PC with 2 x 1Tb hard drives and 4 gigs of RAM ( I can add more if needs must) which I built myself with an excellent set of Creative Labs 5.1 speakers hooked up... I also have a very decent but older Pioneer amp and good quality speakers for monitoring the digital output if I need them, so would that lot be good enough to get me started?

Any comments or suggestions welcomed.
What DAW are you planning on using? I think the UR22 comes with CubaseLE, but I always recommend Reaper. the Creative speakers and old stereo amp/speakers will give you a start on monitoring, but you're going to need actual near-field monitors more sooner than later.
Headphones for tracking when using mics. Acoustic treatment.
What DAW are you planning on using? I think the UR22 comes with CubaseLE, but I always recommend Reaper. the Creative speakers and old stereo amp/speakers will give you a start on monitoring, but you're going to need actual near-field monitors more sooner than later.
Headphones for tracking when using mics. Acoustic treatment.

I've got a good set of albeit old Kos studio headphones which are working fine so that's taken care of.

As for a DAW... I was hoping to try out a couple or so ( including Cubase) to see which I preferred but as was pointed out in another thread, Reaper seems cheap enough to purchase even if it's not to my liking, though I'm quite sure I would be ok with it judging by how popular it seems to be and for my limited needs.

What do you suggest for use as off the peg near-field monitors?
Reaper seems cheap enough to purchase even if it's not to my liking, though I'm quite sure I would be ok with it judging by how popular it seems to be and for my limited needs.
Don't let the price of REAPER fool you. It's in-expensive but far from "cheap". It's a fully capable, professional, top of the line DAW. Many people here use it because it's as good, if not better, than any other DAW, not just because it doesn't cost much. Of course, you might not like it's workflow or whatever, and that comes down to a matter of preference.
+1 for Reaper. As a new person learning, Reaper seems more intuitive to me and places commonly used (important) controls where I can find them. Also tried Ableton, Cubase... I can use those also (clunkily) but always come back to Reaper. Personal pref. as Rami says. 2 centavos.
Don't let the price of REAPER fool you. It's in-expensive but far from "cheap". It's a fully capable, professional, top of the line DAW. Many people here use it because it's as good, if not better, than any other DAW, not just because it doesn't cost much. Of course, you might not like it's workflow or whatever, and that comes down to a matter of preference.

OK... you've convinced me! I'll add it to my shopping list....not because it's very reasonably priced but because everyone seems to think it's so good and as I've no experience of using any form of DAW, I'll take the word of those who've far more experience and I'm sure I'll get used to the workflow.

I've just had a quick glance at the Reaper site and in GBP it's only around £36.00 which is an absolute bargain... so it's got to be worth it especially as they seem to let you download and evaluate it first! A no-brainer really!
Yes, you can try Reaper out first, so do so. On the monitors - save as much money as you can, but also consider acoustic treatment of your recording/mixing space. No amount of money spent on mics or monitors is truly going to mean much until you get some treatment in place.
they seem to let you download and evaluate it first! A no-brainer really!
No problem. It really is a no-brainer to at least try it. The trial version isn't crippled or limited in any way. You'll be trying exactly what you'll be buying.

Good luck.