
Thanks. My pc has the 4 pin Firewire connector. Can this be used?

If so what interfaces are suggested. I need 8 XLR in's.

Also I read somewhere that the Presonus doesn't work well with SM57's.

I use alot of them to mic instruments. So what will work with the SM 57.
SoundAsleep said:
Thanks. My pc has the 4 pin Firewire connector. Can this be used?

The only difference between 4-pin and 6-pin Firewire connectors are that the 4-pin connector does not provide power. This limits you to interfaces that come with a power supply, but that's probably all of them or very nearly so. Just make sure you have an extra outlet to plug in the power supply. No big.
yes, yes, and yes. you just need the other type of firewire cable that goes 6pin to 4 pin. i dont recommend getting an adapter, better of just getting the whole cable.

whoever said presonus doesnt work with an sm57 is a fucktard. its just a mic... if its not working well, its because the person doesnt have a clue as to what he is doing. just watch your gain levels. go ahead and get a firepod, i have heard nothing but good of them. i dont have one myself but i looked at it, but i got a digi002 instead.
Cool Thanks Now onto which one to choose...Any suggestions

I will using a Toshiba Laptop XP Pentium 4 2.0ghz 40GB drive 512 RAM

I want to do some mobile recording(live band at a gig) as well as at home

I have a MIDI capable synth for my home projects

Thanks for everyone's help.
TragikRemix said:
whoever said presonus doesnt work with an sm57 is a fucktard. .
I read that somewhere on tweakheadz that the presonus didn't like some dynamic mics....kind of hard for me to believe

I've only used one Presonus product--Blue Max--years ago and it was fantastic
for the money, my vote goes to the firepod. if you are only using a laptop, maybe the E-MU 1616 or whatevr it is, with a card thingy.. im mac based so i dont know nuttin bout cardy things.
so is my laptop gonna fit the bill? as far as recording multiple tracks at the same time...the laptop is going to be dedicated to this hard drive has 80% free space

or am I pipedreaming?