Firewire vs. Other


You got to funkafize.
Okay...sorry for so many posts in a row...i finally understand what research and searching is.

So, I was considering buying a presonus firepod.

It seems that in general people are satisfied with this purchase. Although it seems many people like it for its portability.

So, after long thought, I decided to use my desktop for recording and laptop for everything else. (More bang for the buck).

However, now that I decided that portability was not a huge issue, I'm wondering if the firepod is even worth it.

The bundle package on bayview seems to make it worth it. 3 mics, 1 headphone amp and the interface with 8 inputs for 600 dollars. Whereas it looks like many of the m-audios people are pushing with three shure m57s would cost about 400-500 dollars.

I'm looking for suggestions on what route to go.