firewire/midi interface for stereo line inputs ?


gonna post this in here due to lack of response from posting it in another thread :D

I want to explore the possibility or replacing my Soundcraft spirit es stereo mixer with a computer interface capable of giving me enough resources for around 8 external stereo instruments that interface directly with my computer system. i use sonar and want to bring mixing onto my desktop PC.

I have a Virus TI , V-synth , Karma , emu xtreme x1 , DR-880 , nord lead3 and andromeda plus a VARI-os

I want to utilize effects units as plugins in sonar but also want to retain the lexicon effects racks i already have on outboard stuff.

I need outputs for my powered monitor speakers and an output should i wish to record onto my mr8-hd.

The vsynth , virus TI , nord lead 3 and the vari-os all have spdif out that i want to utilize for better sound quality too

I`m looking at a Presonus firepod X2 (daisy chained together) to give me enough inputs unless anyone has a better solution ?

I'd also like to add that I'm used to outboard gear for everything and need a few pointers to sites that can give me a crash course on using sonar(manual is not the greatest) for audio processing. To this point i have only ever used it as a midi sequencer. Every other aspect of recording , mixing and mastering has been done on outboard gear

Dont suggest I use softsynths BTW cause I love my outboard synth gear. I`m not ready to take the plunge and sell my soul to be completely PC based
quite yet. This is a big enough step for me as it is

From my perspective as one of the few midi guys around here, it's nice to see that you have the opposite problem I typically take on --- you know midi well, but don't know enough about audio to feel confident starting to record it.

Recording audio is as easy as falling off a log and as difficult as anything can possibly be. Fortunately for our purposes here on homerecording dot com it's much closer to falling off a log. Just plug a microphone into your interface, arm an audio track in Sonar and push the record button. Once you have your performance tracked on the computer use the manual like a reference book and look up what you think it needs in the index. The first will probably be equalization, so bring up an EQ plug in and play with it while listening to what it does to the sound of the track. The next will most likely be compression. Bring up a compressor plug in and see what it does to the sound of the track. Take it slowly and see what you can learn by trial and error.

And even though I'm not quite sure why you need to pull all the outputs out of a perfectly good mixer and plug them into the computer, the Firepod times two idea is a fine solution.

The one thing I would caution you against is expecting a big jump in sound quality by using the digital outs. If you reject a prospective solution to your current problem on the basis that there are not enough digital inputs IMHO that would be foolish indeed.
I own a firepod and it's a good unit.

I'd start off with just one firepod, and if it does what you need, then get the second
From my perspective as one of the few midi guys around here, it's nice to see that you have the opposite problem I typically take on --- you know midi well, but don't know enough about audio to feel confident starting to record it.

Some of the reasons i want to do this are space..... a rack mount interface with a computer will take up far less space than a mixing deck.

Manipulation , I think once I have gotten over the learning curve, processing effects and generally manipulating the mix will be easier and faster on the computer, PLUS i can simulate motorised faders etc which is a very expensive outboard function.

The SPdif hookup is attractive simply because it removes the AD-DA converters out of the mix for that instrument and that has to make a difference to the sound quality. I dont have a problem with quality now but better is better as i'm recoding soundtracks for an up and coming online videogame.

I really dont like using midi at all , I like live play and its not hard to do with all of the features todays synths have, however for my intended purposes in the immediate future I need midi and I`m really leaning towards the box for the audio mixing.

so which would be more suitable ?

Sounds like you've got it all figured out.

I second Bulls Hit's recommendation that you go with the Firepod.

cortexx said:
I really dont like using midi at all

All those midi keyboards and you haven't made peace with the musical instrument digital interface?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Sure I have but I still prefer live play , v-synth is one of the most amazing live expression boards I have used. The beam and pad get used alot I love them. Music to me is about human expression, something that isn't completely replicated with midi sequencing ( but very close these days ).