Fireface Flashing LEDs Problem...


New member
So I just decided to switch my Fireface over to my G5 from my WinXP box. Easy, huh? I thought so too. So I installed the latest drivers, attached the Fireface (it was detected correctly), and flashed the firmware to the latest for Mac (1.83). Everything seemed fine, until I opened up Cubase. Suddenly, all the LEDs on the Fireface front panel start blinking wildly, and I get no sound from it. Same thing happens in Ableton Live. Anyone had this happen/fixed it?

It was working just fine on the PC, so this is somewhat confusing.
Fixed it -

make sure you set the clock to "Master" instead of "Autosync" if you're not syncing to another piece of gear. This doesn't really matter on the PC side, but seems to make all the difference on Mac.
Lies! I am full of lies! Even with the clock mode changed, I got the problem again a couple days later. And after like 2 weeks of anger, I found the REAL problem - a Sony DVMC-DA2 that I had hooked up to the front Firewire port of my G5. Since all the Firewire ports (400 + 800) share the same bus on a G5, having stuff plugged in when you power on your Fireface can have insane consequences. Solution: power on the Fireface first, THEN power on other devices. This seems to work just fine with me - I even used the Sony in tandem with the Fireface, using Cubase's Video Firewire Out option.