finger snaps-- keep or throw away? (1 MB file)


New member
Man it took me a long time to find somewhere to upload this to...

Anyway, this is a 1 minute excerpt (spelling?) from a song I'm working on for a friend (approx 1MB). There are no vocals yet.

At around 00:14 it goes to the bridge where I have put some finger snaps. My friend (the guy who will be singing this song) says he doesn't like them and wants me to take them out.

What do you guys think? Keep or no keep?
login: mrlippp
pass: pilrm

I listened to it several times and without hearing it with the vocals it's hard to say whether or not it is an enhancement. Really don't think it adds much though IMO. It sounds like you've got the makings for another winner. Like the melody and am looking forward to the finished product. Who was the vocalist on your song "Wait"?
Snap, Crackle, Not.

MrLip, my friend, honestly, I would say, nix the snaps. I was singing to the music (just some made up lyrics) to see how the snaps would sound with vocals... and while this wasn't a true test, I can see where your vocalist is coming from...
Actually... shit...

Now I'm not sure whether he was referring to the finger snaps or a woodblock that I put in the second verse. (Communication problems, English isn't his native language and he didn't know what to call the sound he was talking about)

Nevermind guys, I wanna figure out what he was actually talking about first. But thanks anyway.

Oh yeah, Lambo, I did the vocal on "Wait".
Well, MrLip, in lieu of this additional information (you did the vocal on "Wait"), if your vocalist can't deal with the snaps then tell him to take a hike. Just kidding! Seriously though, I am curios as to why you sought the services of a vocalist.
That's a good question, because, Mr. Lipp, I would have to say your voice was excellent on "Wait" and this song your posting right now has somewhat the same "soft rock" qualities and I think your vocal qualities would do the music good... :)
It's good to hear that at least a few people like my voice. For some reason, around here (my college) I've never gotten much recognition as a vocalist.

Actually, I didn't really *seek* out this so-called vocalist that I mentioned. He's a friend of mine who is not a musician but likes to sing and wanted to do some demos. I offered to write/arrange a few songs for him since it's good practice for me and I guess he wouldn't be any better off on his own.

Just my op, but if you're gonna do finger snaps, do 'em with attitude...double 'em. triple 'em, put some heavy verb on 'em, distort 'em and make 'em say "Are We Not Fingers?".......they would work better then to my ears, but as they are, they're way too vanilla, and instead of countering or complementing the melody, they're kinda I vote make 'em bruise, or make 'em lose....gibs