Finger exercisers

I used to use a small rubber ball. I'd squeeze and release repeatedly for minutes at a time to maintain flexibility and develop stamina in my left hand, wrist and forearm for playing bass. I got the idea when my grandmother had broken her wrist - the doctor gave her a ball to constantly squeeze while her arm was in a sling. As I began gigging more and started using my pinkie to stretch notes, the ball fell by the wayside.
Yeah, I used to get really bad hand cramps on certain songs when I played bass in a band. It's pretty much why I called it quits.

I jusy tried to play guitar (electric) last night and I almost couldn't bend the strings. And I've got 9s on it. :cry:
I've never been a lead guitar player, mainly rhythm and bass, so I get that bending strings (Strat 10s) really shows up my weakened wrist and forearm. Since I never really developed that skill, I believe just practicing at it will be my best way of exercising the joints and muscles involved.