Finding "the sound" you're looking for. w/ TnC 1200


New member
I've been in this band for about four months. We practice once a week and started recording practice this week so we can work on "our sound". Does anyone ever find it?

We're going for a minimalist sound - a band playing together in a room - less is more. I think we're getting close at this point.

heads up isaac - the mix

The 1200s are on bass and drum OH. Thanks for taking a look.
I've got a pair of those 1200's and noticed that they make great room mics for a drum kit. They seem to be doing a good job for the rest of the band as well!
I've got a pair of those 1200's and noticed that they make great room mics for a drum kit. They seem to be doing a good job for the rest of the band as well!

I set one on omni and put it in the jam room to record practice one day and was floored by how good the drums sounded! The kick sounded incredible! Strange thing is these things make crappy kick mics. wtf?
I'm definitely using the 1200 as a room mic next time I track drums. This thing is a strange beast and I haven't really found out where it fits in my studio. I'm planning on swapping the tube at some point hopefully that will help it be a little more useable on vocals which is the primary reason I bought it.

What's everyone else using the 1200 on? Any good results?
these things make crappy kick mics

The day they arrived, after trying them on vocals and acoustic guitar, I put them on the kick and was shocked that they distorted even with the pad engaged. You couldn't actually tell there was any intelligible sound when the kick was hit... it clipped so hard it was silent with a very quiet crackle in the background. I never tried going directly from the PSU straight into the A/D converter. If it was the inputs on the RNP getting clipped, this could have solved it.
I set one on omni and put it in the jam room to record practice one day and was floored by how good the drums sounded! The kick sounded incredible! Strange thing is these things make crappy kick mics. wtf?
I'm definitely using the 1200 as a room mic next time I track drums. This thing is a strange beast and I haven't really found out where it fits in my studio. I'm planning on swapping the tube at some point hopefully that will help it be a little more useable on vocals which is the primary reason I bought it.

What's everyone else using the 1200 on? Any good results?

Beside room mics for a drum kit (love 'em there too) I got some great female vox with em, and in a stereo pair, I like 'em on my acoustic guitar.