Finally... my studio, my website, now what?!?


New member
Hello BBS. Check out my new studio and web-site.

I think my rates are reasonable for a newbie trying to get a start in this competitive business.

I've got my first "paying client" coming in next week. Just an author who wants to record an audio book. It sounds easy, but my mind is in panic mode. More like "Oh shit, now what!?!" mode.

Suggestions? Questions?
Looks like you have decent facilities. Is it just the control room and live room?
Your mic locker seems..... ummmm..... less than adequate. I suppose you'll work on that as the studio begins to pay for itself.
Not a huge problem for now.

What sort of experience do you have as an audio engineer?

You're rates seem marketable. You can always adjust them as conditions dictate if need be.

I wish you all the success you desire.
Looks cool scott. Don't worry the client jitters will always go away once you get going and develope a routine. I did alot of bands in the early 90's and just recently decided to put a garage studio together and do select clients. Im still jittery. For the mic situation, find a local rental place of another studio that rents and make sure your prepared depending on the client. Ive rented PA's, drums, mics and people;) Just make sure you charge accordingly. Another thing that might pop up is people wanting their masters, which I think in your case would be disks of PT data.

Have a great time ;) and get a lava lamp:p

Re: "Mercenary Sound"?????????

Blue Bear Sound said:
Don't you think that's a little too close to the name of Fletcher's place? (Mercenary Audio)
Yeah, I thought that seemed obvious too Bruce, but Fletcher's in Foxboro, MA. and scuppari is in GA.
Studios cater to and target LOCAL talent and LOCAL musicians.

I would bet that less than 1% of the musicians in Austin, (and there's a lot of them in Austin) have ever heard of Mercenary Audio.

The only people that are going to catch the similarity are saavy audio engineers such as yourself. ;) :p
Hey Scott,

I'm still trying to finish mine, I got the bands waiting in line to get in. Ok a couple, are waiting for me to finish. I am just across the river from you in Aiken, SC. I head over to Atlanta every couple of months or so to check out Guitar Center or catch a concert. I would love to come by and check out the place.

BTW those are very good rates for a PT setup. I actually did a demo a few months back in my living room because I couldn't wait to start recording and to help out a friend. 8-track aardvark baby. Full band (4-track on drums, a bass, two guitars, and a scratch vocal) yeah!!. I can't wait to finish, ordering my glass in the next week.

The site looks good, one thing I am going to try is hooking up at gigs and handing out my business card to bands. I also have a few friends locally here who have private studios and have some contacts. One thing I am really shooting for is looking at doing demos for bands.

Oh well my few thoughts,
GL with the session coming up.
I remember my first recording in my studio. Jitters, panic, etc. but it was okay on the day (should that be alright on the night :) ). Anyway, as you'll find and these guys know, once you get use to operating your gear in a professional environment it gets easier and easier - just like any job.

You seem to be in a similar position to me five years ago - now I'm going strong, got loads of gear and clients - all built up from a £1k busary and a £4k loan. if you're interseted.

Yeah, I hope it all goes really well, best of luck.
