Finally got pics of my studio.

Thanks everyone for all the support. Im not feeling so upset over the thread any more. Especially now that im getting sleep and relaxing. Its been a very weird thread so far. I think overall it has been very informative, at least i hope so. Theres alot to learn with everybodys success and failure stories.

Its hard to deal with posts like this because i wonder all the time whats going to happen a year down the road, 5 years down the road, 10 years, even a month from now. Things were very hard at the beginning. Much harder than i expected. Running this studio is my only source of income. My overhead is extremely high for running a studio like this. I believe it was last November i had to pay close to $2500 just in lease, utility bills, etc. Just a month where everything came up that high. I was making that kind of money and a little more. But when you start getting bills like that and have absolutely no money to take home with you it gets really stressful and discouraging. Luckily my overhead isnt even close to that every month. And these last two months, December and January have been keeping my full of work. So its really not easy running a place like this. I got a loan, but i still have to pay for that loan. Its not money that was just given to me. Luckily the loan i have is set to get paid off fast and it will be all paid for. In the mean time im always keeping a back up plan on getting out. If i needed to get out right now i wouldnt be too much in a financial jam right now. But i would be out of a job.

Sorry for those that think this is out of line posting about a professional studio. But everything i learned came from this forum. Everything up to the past year at least. Besides the business tips ive been learning from Trent Walker and others. But this is the foundation of where i acquired my skills to get to where i am. The other pro forums are definately not the place for me. Their is loads of information on those about equipment that i can afford. Its not like im running an SSL or big Neve. There are alot of people on this forum that would like to be professionals someday. Infact i bet most people would take it if they had the chance. Ill have to rewrite my story on how i got here. It will give people an idea on where to look for oppurtunities. All it took was me to get out of my own personal world and go knock on his door. Dont be afraid to give people calls. And to think, you might know a pro in your area that started here too. You never know. And what ive found is that most audio engineers, pro or not, love to chat about gear and the business. They love it. Infact i get so lonely in the studio with no one to chat to i start talking to myself. har har har. But i would love to have someone willing to work and learn come into the studio that i could apprentice. Of course it would involve him sticking his head infront of the guitars amps and stuff so i dont have to. But you might find yourself lucky to get a chance to work on the board and track a bit. Like right now. Hes not really and assistant but a home recorder friend tracking for me while im here. Any professional would do that.

Son of Mixerman said:
Doesn't matter :) I wanted to use the word hogwash... I saw I was clear for the shot so I took it.


I'm glad someone is getting use from that word. :D

It's just so under used these days.
Originally Posted by Son of Mixerman
"Doesn't matter I wanted to use the word hogwash... I saw I was clear for the shot so I took it."



I too stand in my own little pool of envy. You have a very nice place and you are not too egotistical to forget to thank those who helped you get where you are. Good luck with it; and Fitz, please get some rest. You too, are much too helpful throughout this forum to go off the deep end like you have been recently. Many have noticed the change in your attitude.

Way to go Darnold :)

I'm 26 and been in business since I was 20. When I started my own company "Professional Sound" now I make over 100k a year as a sound contractor. Its great to start out young and make a good living. I'm about to purchase a 300k home, my wife does not have to work and can stay home an raise our son. I also took over my fathers flooring business a few years ago when he passed away. I've always said its easy to make money if you have the drive and knowledge. Work hard, manage your money wisely and don't get discouraged. Also, protect your credit its hard to run a business and make a living if you have bad credit.

Good luck !!!!!!!!!!!
Firstly nice studio and gear, you have all the equipment at your disposal to succeed, sure its hard work but we all work hard, its what has to be done to just survive in this world, and if its somthing you enjoy or atleast have an interest in you are pretty lucky.

There are people who have an idea of what they want and have a talent, the knowledge, the luck, or the support to make it happen, there are those that dont, obviously you do, now to just keep it all going, i wish you good luck and most of all just plain happiness.

I read what rick said, and ill admit when i scrolled thru the pics and then saw that "younge" guy in the chair, i thought, "no way" he has had to have had help, money more help and in the right place at the right time, so called luck, and i was right, by what ive read you have, you know the right people, and aquired all that gear with no more than a few years of "working", but what ive read seems as tho you have managed a huge ass loan to cover everything, have taken over and now a balancing act to make the payments, work hard and hope it all stays togeather, GOOD LUCK man, i mean it, hope you keep it going.

Rick i dont know you and i rarely post here, i mainly read and learn, i have a small home studio, i have saved every penny i can and buy one thing at a time, its all for me, just to enjoy and give me some happiness, but Rick, i dont judge you i dont know you, but it sounds like you are not happy with the hand you were dealt, and why should you, if you wanna release that frustration and anger coz you see a guy that has it all, almost all, and this makes you feel like you have failed or not tapped the potential you thought you had or wished you had, then i dont mind reading it, i feel for you and wish you a bit of luck to give you back somthing that you obviously need now, there are guys that slug their guts out and just only scrape by, why? its just "their" life, and they just have to make do, which basically sucks, years go by and its only natural that envy and thoughts of "why not me" take over if you let them, its just human nature, so to read comments telling you to shutup and so on just reminds me that people do not really care or want to know the truth about someone if its not all happy and filled with success , it really bugs me that there are people who are insulted, peeved off or totally indifferent to reading or hearing someone they say is whining, complaining, i didnt see that, all i saw was a guy telling you his story, and because its not wonderfully successfull or amazing its void, unpopular or annoying, I should stop because im getting annoyed, this western world is all about what you have and have to show the bigger the better you are and the more likable and popular you are, but really its all a farce and I look at it all and have a good laugh, coz people just dont seem to get it, maybe its all at a head with me because the longer i live the more i am bombarded with "the winners" in this world, all the celebs, the singers etc etc, showing off what they got, that is all, luck luck luck, luck with how you look, who your parents are, the talents yu got and a drive inside you, it seems criminal that the rest of the world are forced to watch "the lucky" flaunt off what most only dream about, and that just makes me angry for everyone that has to not only work hard, which successfull people do of coarse, but work hard doing something that gives you very little or nothing atall, while you live 2 % of your life doing what you love, seems like life is very unfair on face value, like we all know it is, but this post really shoved it in my face, Rick, all i can say is find some happiness, even in the smallest of things, the things that do not require money or a loan or anyone else, find it in yourself, and do what ever you can to stay positive, best of luck to both of you on your own roads.

I mean it. :)
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I think there's not much to add to what has been said already, but still, I like ranting for some reason.. :D :

Danny: You're doing and managing to do something that almost everybody on this board would love to do, I guess. I'm sure all of us have (had) idea's, dreams and such in that direction. It all boils down to one thing: having the guts. Picking up that phone and make the calls, saving the money to get the gear, learing what is nescesarry, beeing the dude people want to hang around and work with, stuff that is needed to get further. Step by step. I'm 29 now, the lady & I are getting married in a few months, we bought our own house (only 1/30th of it is paid now, but hey.. that's how it works, no?), I quit the dragging band I've been plaing with for over 4 years finally... I whish I did what you're doing, 10 years ago or so... Aim. And aim as high as you can. I feel a bit bad about things I could have done better or more efficient. Learning to play drums as I should have, looking into this recording stuff earlier, it has changed how I think about music and all its aspects totally, and as far as I can see for the better. I agree on the BBS: it's huge in its value to learn and grow. You admit that this board and its visitors have helped you getting where you are. Dragon should be proud.. Also I think you're well aware of the risks involved, but the faith you have in youself and the sacrefices you're willing to bring are plenty to give you a great head-start I guess. I whish you all the luck you can grab, because that's all there is to it: grabbing your little piece of luck. Now I'm going to make that call to that company in live sound equipment rental. They're looking for someone and I'm sure I can learn alot. I just let the piece of paper in my wallet and did nothing.. I'm grabbing my little piece of luck now.

For Rick: Live has been a bitch for you so it sounds, that sucks for sure. Nature doesn't give a shit.. nature is nature and nature is beautiful! If you can: take a walk in the woods.. see the clouds drift by, hear the birds singing around you... just let the world be the world for a while. Take the sharp edges off your reality. Best of luck to you also man...
Thanks everyone for your comments. Its been a big uplifter to know that i am still welcome here. It is very to lose the faith i have when i get negative comments on everything. I wish i would have made things more clear at the beggining of this thread. But as you can see it would have taken forever to write out everything ina way that people can understand. I would have to have gone back to the beginning. Its great to here so many people pitch into this thread. Its the reason why i like coming here. I have support out of the net but it is a different support.

As far as Rick goes im really not that mad. Ive seen alot of useful posts around here and i didnt mean to be brash on my messages. Infact the reason why i took the time to write everything out and explain stuff is because i didnt feel like i should insult back. But just like i said above, my faith in this all can waiver because of the difficulty in the work. Its a huge risk for me and it scares me to death sometimes. And the messages i got from Rick were not supportive. Its no big deal really though. But eventually i had to stop defending myself and take the offensive side. Because with or without my faith in the studio, it is still there. If i keep my faith in it, it is a blessing, if i lose my faith it would have been a curse. I would rather be living a blessing then a curse. It might fail unfortunately and i know that. But im not going to let it fail that easily. I do feel bad for Rick. I feel bad because i watched my dad go through similiar things all my life. My dad used to talk to me the same way. And there was alot i learned from him. I believe theres alot I can learn from you Rick.


Don't sweat it!!!

At least you're literate, and can make things happen.

There are plenty of other "kids" your age who can't even spell, or put 2 & 2 together to make 4,... much less come up with a business plan, loan, and a profitable recording venture.

There are hundreds of halfwits out there without a clue, who think they're "Pro's", but they're not. Point in case: ZEKE SAYER. :eek: Pardon my language.

Don't sweat it. You're the young kid who everyone's gonna be jealous of, and try to bust your balls. You're better than that. You're going somewhere. Just keep doing what you're doing, and you'll be alright.
Live has been a bitch for you so it sounds, that sucks for sure. Nature doesn't give a shit.. nature is nature and nature is beautiful! If you can: take a walk in the woods.. see the clouds drift by, hear the birds singing around you... just let the world be the world for a while

Ok, that does it. Who in sams hell do you think you are talking to you pathetic moron. You have as much insight into my life as an ameoba does to the universe. In the first place, Life HAS NOT been a bitch for me. IF you had ANY FUCKING IDEA what life has given me,, or what I've experienced you would shit.
I'm 60 years old and that 60 years wasn't filled with misery, as you seem to think. I've had my share of shit, I admit, but like anyone who has had to face realitys that are life shaking events, you face them, pick up the pieces and get on with life. In the process, you learn things only these experiences can teach you, and as anyone my age will tell you, Danny hasn't even scratched the surface of his life yet. Studio management has NOTHING that will prepare him for some things that every single person on this planet faces at one time or another. Fortuantely, I've already graduated from this class. And you know what I discovered. I'm strong. I'm smart. And I'm loved. Regardless of what some of you think of me, you haven't got a fucking clue to what I am about.
And my freind, you won't find me walllowing in the gutter either. On the contrary, I"M KICKING ASS
Second, I didn't reply to this thread with any intent whatsoever of downplaying Dannys attempt at following his dream or publicly crying in my beer. What I DID do, was reply to Richards brilliant assesment of my current state of mind, which btw, was hogwash. Hence my reply. Unfortunately, I left my better judgement on hold while exposing Dannys little charade. And charade it is. At least in light of the purpose of this forum. That is NOT to say he hasn't accomplished something. And I've already been there, done that. However, as I see it, EVERY GODDAMNED MEMBER HERE HAS EQUIPMENT THAT THEY"VE WORKED THEIR ASS OFF AND PAID FOR. What he DOESN"T have, is ONE SHRED of credibility as a STUDIO BUILDING and DISPLAY(noun) participant. So lets put the record straight. Talk about sick and tired? Well I'm sick and tired of these little pricks who waltz into this bbs and via scenarios that remain UNSEEN, spout off about every piece of gear on the fucking planet, as if they own it, and then some. And THEN has the fucking gall to waltz in to this forum and post pictures of a STUDIO THAT HE FUCKING RENTS!!!! :rolleyes: I don't give a shit if killed himself trying to get it off the ground, if his dead aunt willed it to him, or if he traded his soul to the devil to get it, the FACT remains, HE DIDN"T BUILD THE MOTHERFUCKER. And if that isn't what this damned forum is about, I'll move on, cause it is EXACTLY why I came here in the first place, and I have no intent on participating in a forum where priviledged owners of commercial studios WHO PAID TO HAVE IT BUILT hang out, cause brother, THEY DON"T MEAN SHIT TO ME!! What DOES mean shit to me, is the guy who BUSTS HIS BALLS, to plan, save, scratch, cut, saw, hammer, route, staple, and what the fuck ever else it takes to BUILD HIS GODAMMED STUDIO. Am I clear now?!!!! And as a matter of equipment, FUCK YOU. I've already got mine by shear painstaking time. I scrimped, saved, bargained, fanigiled, traveled, traded, bartered and bid my way to get what I have. It's taken 25 fucking years, and it isn't PRO, or up to date, or even fucking relevant to pro studios. But that isn't the point. What is the point, is my gear is, and always has been, aimed at HOMERECORDING. PERIOD
And that my friend, IS THE FUCKING POINT!! Cause the minute you step over that line into the commercial endeavor, you might as well kiss your ass goodbye, because NOW, you are COMPETING in the real world and it DOESN"T STOP!! Now you need EVERYTHING that the next guy has, and if you don't have it, YOU DON"T CUT IT. Which translates into my exact point. If you sell your soul to get it by LEASING, BEGGING, BORROWING, AND singning your name on the dotted line, you've already LOST the one thing you had in the beginng my friend. And that is FREEDOM of THOUGHT. Cause now you have a deadline. And that deadline will CUT YOUR THROAT :rolleyes: You no longer can take the time to do things right, or find that sound your looking for, or do that maintenence, or take you time to go to lunch, or dabble with what ever. Now you have to cut corners, get the session done REGARDLESS if its as good as it can be, cause NOW you are at the mercy of the fucking BANK!! They OWN YOU. They control your every move. Your every plan is to KEEP THEM FROM RUINING YOUR LIFE!! And brother, THEY CAN. And in Danny case,
his MOTHERS!! Just from what he has alluded to, collateral of this nature and level can only mean one thing. And frankly, its none of my business, but I'd bet she put her life on that dotted line. For HER sake, I hope he succeeds, not his.
And don't think for a new york second I don't know what I'm talking about either. Been there, done that, for a long long time. And it ain't no fucking fun either. ESPECIALLY, when your payments are high, cash flow is at a all time low, and the hounds are bitting at your heals. Did I mention no fun. What I really meant is possible NERVOUS FUCKING BREADOWN!! Have fun.

Now, IF that thing that holds your ears apart has any ability of extrapolating information whatsoever, you might gleen a little of what I am talking about here.
I've already succeeded in reaching MY dream. TWICE. Maybe not to the level that even Danny is at. But frankly, THAT is NOT a dream. That is a payment plan. I haven't had payments on ANYTHING except my home and child support in over 30 years. I am SOLVENT. I am in total possession of my equipment, studio, sanity, skills, home, and most of all, my self esteem is INTACT! You MAY think I am drowning in my misery. HA! I got news for you friends. I'm as happy as a lark, cause "I" OWN MY STUFF!! But it didn't come easy, like signing a goddamned dotted line is. Danny STILL has to pay for it. I DON"T, and when that fucking lease payment comes due again, think about me. I have a little session to do this weekend. The difference between Danny and me is.........I'LL BE HAVING FUN!!! In my little ole Homerecording studio thats PAID FOR!!

Danny, I SINCERELY wish you the best of luck. Considering the world at large, your age, and the nature of this business, your going to NEED it. And one final tidbit. Yea, I was jealous for a minute. And I WILL admit that
jealousy tinted my outburst. But that wasn't the whole ball of wax here. I've already stated my reasoning. And I stand behind it. But what are YOU going to do now. How do YOU trump this. We already know you are renting. We already know the circumstances that bound you. Now you have nothing to contribute here, but you DO have responsibilty. LOTS OF IT. And I respect you for that. But that responsibility is yours alone. And as another member put it, you are taking a RISK. And like I said, NO ONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT FAILURE when you take those risks. They always want to talk about the REWARDS of risk. Your entruprenurship buddys may have succeeded, but for every entreprenure that succeeds, theres twenty that bit the dust. NO ONE wants to talk about that. Been there, done that. I already know. But now, I have learned my lessons. YOU, on the otherhand, have embarked this jouney
of risk. I wish you the rewards of this risk. You will have earned them if you succeed. Good luck. I too am done with this thread.
Time for the looney bin...

I'm 60 years old and that 60 years wasn't filled with misery

From this post you certainly would suspect you are miserable, if not sitting with your nuts in a vise...
Well, to this point I have stayed out of this. Personally, I don't care how or why Danny has whatever it is he has. If he wanted ti though, and found a way to get it, then KUDOS:)

I have owned and operated a commercial studio for 8 years now. I have fun EVERY SINGLE DAY that I am doing a session in there. I understand gear lust and the purchasing trap that a commercial venture can create, but thats OK. I make it and I survive. Whether or not Danny built the studio himself or rents it or whatever, his post is 100% related to this forum. The forum is not entitled "pictures and techniques used of a studio that was built by hand, paid for in cash and done solely by the owner". This is the Studio Buliding and Display forum. The studio was built and now Danny is displaying it. Maybe someone here will see those pictures and like something related to them and use a similar or duplicate method in building their own. That possibility alone lends this post 100% legitimacy.

I feel like I built my studio even though when I purchased my property the building was there. I added walls, added insulation, built interior rooms, painted, carpeted (well, chose the carpet and had professionals install it) and many other things myself. I was under a pretty tight budget for a lot of work to be done, but found a way. Bottom line though, I do have a business license for my studio, so I guess maybe I should not start a post with pictures of my place. If thats the general consensus then I won't. Yes I do have gear payments, and many more to come. Yes I do this for a living and have clients that pay me.

I recently added a very nice large format 98 fader, 10 foot long console so yes I would not consider my studio a "home studio" even though it is on the property that I own and live at. Where I do see relevance here is that my studio was not that way when it started. My first studio would have fit in my current control room. I started with a 1/4" Fostex analog 8 track and an 8 channel Fostex console 8 years ago. I worked for a pro audio company so when I needed equipment (outboard and mics) I would borrow them from there. I know how fortunate I was to have these things available to me and I don't take things like that for granted. I also did this all with money that I earned working other jobs to pay my bills and putting all studio money back into the studio. In essence I really do have some good "home recording" roots.

I think I will take some pictures actually and post them anyways. I guess if thats a violation of policy here than I am not sure I really need to be a part then. I think a forum for home recording is a great thing. However, if people with experience can not come here and contribute (and learn as well) than all it is is a forum for the blind to lead the blind. Its sad that some degree of success seems to be a negative thing:(
For the record....

I do agree with Rick concerning the fact that only Rick and those closest to him can really make any statement or judgement concerning what he has or hasn't done and what he is or isn't going through.
xstatic said:
... I think I will take some pictures actually and post them anyways. I guess if thats a violation of policy here than I am not sure I really need to be a part then.......

I for one would be very interested in seeing the pictures. I'm sure no one here would protest either.

I'm glad you brought up the point of "Studio Building and Display". I was going to bring that point up earlier but chickened out. No where does it say that this forum is only for DIY people.
Second, I didn't reply to this thread with any intent whatsoever of downplaying Dannys attempt at following his dream or publicly crying in my beer. What I DID do, was reply to Richards brilliant assesment of my current state of mind, which btw, was hogwash.

hahaha, there's that word again...hogwash. haha.

I motion FOR all users ON THIS FORUm to start capitalizing RANDOM WORDS in their POSTS JUST like rick.

Now THAT, my friend, is EMPHASIS.

Danny, I commend your ability to keep your posts on this topic calm & well organized. You're obviously a bigger man than some. Cheers.
anothers opinion

This really has been quite a read!
I am new to recording my daughter and myself are putting together a home studio if I can even stretch things to call it that (she is musically talented, myself I am a pc and tech geek and I love to learn!) The whole point is we are here because we want to learn and share with those that are learning and experimenting. I have a mechanical engineering background, am a very experienced tool and die maker, a reasonable carpenter as well as a reasonable welder. I have grown up in a manufacturing/ machine shop/welding enviorment. I owned my own machine shop employing over twenty people for twenty some odd years, I have been doing this type of work for more than thirty years. The whole point of this is even though I am very very experienced in machining, welding, and fabricating, as well as design, I feel that I can learn something new everyday. I learned new and different techniques from employees with far less experience than I. (of course when you are a pro it is easy to overcomplicate, sometimes a less experienced person will state the obvious or more simple as they are not so full of technical means and ideas)
Infact I have always said the time you think you know it all is the time to outright call it quits, because there is always more and new to learn. To me this area and all of the areas covered by these boards, are for beginners and pro's alike. We can all learn, we can all share and we can all ask questions or post observations. I do not think it matters at all if you are like me and just starting out or If you are in it commercially/professionally or at any point in between. If recording is of interest to you then you belong here and should interact with others sharing these interests.

I have to admit I am blown away by these boards, I have already learned a great deal by reading postings in this site. Sometimes I wonder why Dragon puts up with the headaches and keeps it all afloat between hackers, people not being willing to register and some of the attitudes, I probably would have said the hell with it by now. However I am very glad that he has not hung it up, I am glad this site is here and so are all of you!

Back to the issue and my two cents, I think Danny has something awesome going, I hope he realizes his dreams out of it. Does he own it, did he build and or design it from what he shared no Does it belong here "HELL YES" I enjoy seeing what is out there, there may be ideas I can borrow upon in the future of our studio, perhaps I will copy something or just seeing something will give me an idea for something different. It is an opportunity to see and share in something that is important to someone else, but something that in whole or in part we all have some degree of interest in. I enjoy all of the pictures share, doesnt matter if it is a simple pc with monitors and a mic in someones bedroom or an all out full blow studio it is all entertaining and sometimes educational

I just wish people would get off of their high horses quit their bitching and use this site as I think it was intended......we can share, learn and sometimes even bond through our interests. I have noticed mostly people around here are great but there are a few that seem all too high or mighty that seem to think they know the answers or have all of the clues....Well for anything I can think of there is always more than one way to do something, But of course in their superiority apparently their way or their thoughts are the only way, the right way and what the rest of us mere mortals are supposed to strive for.

Thank you all for letting me chime in at least it felt good to me and it felt needed somehow as well. Hope I did not put you all to sleep!

Tim :)
Wow! I wasnt going to jump into this thread; lurking for as long as I have has taught me that threads like these get worse...

Anyway, until I read the new posts about the loan, I figured darnold must have made some money somehow...Amway, Nuskin, other nefariouse "distribution" or maybe the old fashioned way - work.

I guess since I have a home loan, have a contruction loan for the new studio build-out, and have "commercial" projects - I don't qualify to be here? Mr. Fitzpatrick, your definition of what qualifies someone to post here is wacked, IMO.
I'll take my advice from God:

Romans 12:15 When others are happy, be happy with them. If they are sad, share their sorrow.

For everyone else who's casting aspersions, I suspect you are suffering in the pit of envy. That's a sorry place to live out your crappy lives. Yeah, I wish I'd've had that shot at 20. But frankly, I'd've probably been dead from an OD of something that looked like fun.

God Bless Darnold!
dcwave said:
Wow! I wasnt going to jump into this thread; lurking for as long as I have has taught me that threads like these get worse...

You're right on that one. Mr. Rick: My apologies for pissing you off even more... All the best.