Finally a totally new tune!

christiaan said:
Cool tune! Drums are wow.

Say... if you want a bass with that, you know where to find me..

Step off him...
I'm his NEW Bass Player.
Sweden is too far away...I can be at his house before dinner.
(Just messing with ya, Christiaan..)

Love the drum performance...The energy is through the roof.
Having seen you in action, I know you really have pasion for playing the drums, and it shows.

The guitar tone doesn't bother me much...But the lead does.
Not that a few notes are bad..Rather, great leads have been done that way...But I agree that you sound hesitant going into it.

Vocals sound good...Hear the lyrics cleanly.

I wouldn't miss the synth if you removed it. :D

Good job, Joey-Boy!

I liked the tune quite a bit. Actually I like just about all the music I've heard from you. Lyrically I gotta say it's pretty mundane (e.g., "listen to the words of your heart. Listen to them from the very start."). For some reason I liked the drumming on this. Good energy and supported the song well.

That distorted guit was a bit too far on the fuzzy side I think. At first I thought it was clipping - it was that distorted. That one-note guitar solo worked I thought. Pretty cool.

Vocals need some sort of effect dont'cha think?

Drumming was perfect for the song. I liked the sound of the drums too. Two mics huh? Everything had a cool garage sound. That guitar is a little grating. I sorta liked it. I can't decide. Maybe if it came down in the mix a little and you added another fuzz guitar that was not so grating.

Good pop song for sure.

Fix that ending... ;) :)
I'd trade a bit of that wall of guitar for some bass presence, but I liked the effect. ( is there a bass?). At first it sounded a bit off, the sort of roomy drums and direct in sounding guitars, but it instantly grew on me and had the right kind of punch. Catchy tune.