Finale? ScoreWriter? Sibelius?


New member
Does anybody here use any of the "Notation" packages?

If so, which one? How do you like it? and (the reason this is posted here) Can you go "round trip" to/from Sonar?
I used Finale before I started using Cakewalk. It's absolutely great software, not easy to learn, but it's brilliant for notation stuff. But now that I've developed my keyboard skills, Cakewalk suits me better.
Do you know if Finale (or any other software) can bring in lyrics, chords, etc. from a project initially created in cakewalk (Sonar 2.2 specifically) ???

I'd really hate to have to re-do that work.
there's always cakewalk overture. I don't know what it costs these days, but it used to be a fairly steep $100. It was pretty powerful judging by the demo I tried a while back.

I'm sure it has a good chance of importing from Sonar... but then again Sonar didn't exist when I tried it.
MisterC said:
Do you know if Finale (or any other software) can bring in lyrics, chords, etc. from a project initially created in cakewalk (Sonar 2.2 specifically) ???
Nope, I don't think so... I had to export each track as a midi-file and import them in Sibelius. And midi doesen't contain chords, lyrics, etc... so you need to do that again... :(

I don't know about Cakewalk, but when I was using Cubase (ie, before I had any sense), I once tried to import a big orchestral piece from Cubase to Sibelius as a bunch of MIDI files, to create the score for the orchestra to play from. It was SO shoddy - every time there was a tremelo or something it confused the hell out of Sibelius and got imported as gobbledigook, and screwed up the timing for the rest of the movement.

I swear it would have been quicker to just re-play the whole thing into Sibelius - its a very easy and intuitive program to use, in and of itself.

Might be OK if you're talking purely about simple pop songs in C Major and 4/4. But get to far beyond that and you might as well forget it.
I Have Sibelius and Encore. Sibelius is the best-looking available, but encore is easy, and I have used it for 8 years.

Finale is the industry standard.