Final Shot at Pro Tool vs. PC Studio


New member
I am gettin ready to build a studio with somewhere between and am not sure which way to go.. Pro Tools with Mac or a Pc setup. At this point this is what I feel comfortable with after hours of research and opinions.

Software: Nuendo and or Sonar, (Ive been using Vegas Pro for several years), and Reasons 2.5

Hardware for beats: 88key Triton Classic with orchestra expansion and Vintage exp., and Mpc 3000

Mic Pres: Studio Projects vtb1, 386dbx dual

Mics: akg3000, SP C1 and maybe Antares Mic Modular

Monitors: Roland Ds 90a's

Soundcard: Aardvark 24/96

How does this sound? add or change anything?
I will be doing some commercial work, but mostly personal projects for small independant Christian Hip Hop label. thanks for your time. Peace and God Bless.
Ditch the AKG C3000B and buy almost any other mic. C2000B for half the money is a better mic. Try Studio projects C-1 or TB-1. Oktava ML-52. There are a world of better mics in that price range.-Richie
Don't scrimp on the mic. If you're going to have one good mic, make it a good one - even if you have to eat bread and water for two weeks. It's probably the single most important piece of gear.

I reccomend the AKG C414 BULS - great all-purpose mic!
Don't scrimp on the mic. If you're going to have one good mic, make it a good one - even if you have to eat bread and water for two weeks. It's probably the single most important piece of gear.

I reccomend the AKG C414 BULS - great all-purpose mic!
i agree with the AKG C414 buls, I would not trade mine for the world and will buy another when I graduate and get a job. However, the digression for the subject doesn't help you much. I don't use protools or nuendo or sonar so I'm sorry but I am no help.
I have used both of the 414's and I liked the TL II better.......transformer-less. But for the $........ULS is good too.