Final Checklist


New member
After months of researching, listening, and asking dumb questions on several sites, I have my list of purchases along with an idea in my head on how they all should work togther. So now I'll run them by you all to make sure that I'm not making some terrible mistake.

*Tracktion2 sampler
*Garritan Personal Orchestra
*Delta 1010lt soundcards
AMD x2 4400

So as far as I know, I can compose music in Finale, save it as midi, and then open it up in Tracktion. Within tracktion, I can apply each line of music to a GPO instrument/midi channel. Also, each of these instruments can individualy be assigned to hardware output in the soundcard. Each output from the soundcard is sent to my analog mixer. I can then mix each instrument individually. That L+Rmaster is sent back into the computer into an input n the soundcard where the final mix can be simultaneously re recorded.

So hopefully that is all correct (the part in italics is the part that I am the shakiest on).

Thanks for al the help you'v been and will be in the future,
I'm not familiar with your other posts, so there may be a particular reason you want to do this, but it sounds to me like you're buying a lot of stuff you don't need.

Why do you want to use an external mixer? Any DAW (Tracktion included) can do anything a mixer can without the hastle of having to write down a ton of setting to reproduce your work. If you do away with the external mixer, you can do away with all that I/O (multiple 1010s!?!?!? - I can't see this unless you're recording a full band live, and even then, one would normally be enough). I don't object to the 1010 at all - its great if you need it, and you may want to expand later, but you sure don't need even one of these if you're just composing with softsynths. A simple 2in-2out interface would do you just fine.
Yes, that will work.

As LFO suggested, there is another and simpler way to do it. If you want to mess with real faders, you can certainly do it.
The reason that I ever considered the analog mixer is because I already have a mackie 24 8 that i used to use on my live shows.

Alternatively to the analog, I would get a control surface (cheapest $200) and a small interface (cheapest $200). Thats the same price as the 2 delta 1010s. So that way I had the option of mixing for real or all in the pc or some of each. I could also make use of my racked effects processors.
I can see how that does give you more options. I'm certainly not advising against this setup, but bear in mind that you'll be degrading your signal with every A/D conversion. I don't have any idea if it will be noticable/worth it.
by keeping everything within the PC domain, you can make life considerably easier for yourself. Create your midi arrangements in Finale (or whatever). Whether you are using vst instruments or an external sound module, you have control over every dimension of the sound within the PC. Depending on the capacity of your PC or sound library, you are likely to be able to exceed the number of output channels available on the delta.

the price you pay is the feel of a physical desk, but (in my view), the convenience and simplicity of keeping it within the PC outweighs this by far.