File Systems FAt VS HTFS


New member
Hi Guys its a long time since I posted a question needs some help

I have just received my new copy of sonar and Plan to upgrade from cw9 I also have a new copy of winXP (all legal folks)

My win98 was running the FAT32 file system But I understand that winXP like win 200 have two file systems FAT 32 and something called HTfS I also understand that htfs systen is more effecient than FAT 32

can sonar run effeciently in the HTFS file system or is it better to stick with FAT32 they say that HTFS uses less disk space to store info than Far32 I would like to know which is better for music programs like sonar

thanks folks
NTFS is what i prefer, but i've heard arguments on both sides. for very large hard drives (ie.. 80g or more) i don't believe that fat32 can format the entire drive as a single logical partition. NTFS doesn't have that problem.

however, i have heard arguments that fat32 is better suited for making music in windows platforms but i can't remember the reasons, so they must not have been good ones.
NTFS means NT File System, it was designed with data privacy, safety and networks in mind for windows NT.
With NTFS you have a lot of meta data associated with the files on the HDD, such as the owner ID and network restrictions, all this sort of info.

So when you play around with the files on your computer, widows has to play with the meta data as well, bringing some overhead in the process! NTFS is safer, has a better designed and everything, if your pc crashes, the recovery of the files is easier, etc.
But when you're the only one using the computer, and that you're not connected to any LAN with other NT based systems, NTFS is just useless.

So I'd stick with the lightweight FAT32 wich is allright for home use and faster to read ON YOUR AUDIO DRIVE, and go for NTFS on the system drive. a good defrag on the system drive using Diskeeper's boot time pagefile defrag and directory consolidation options speeds up the OS a bit too.
schnoops said:

So I'd stick with the lightweight FAT32 wich is allright for home use and faster to read ON YOUR AUDIO DRIVE, and go for NTFS on the system drive. a good defrag on the system drive using Diskeeper's boot time pagefile defrag and directory consolidation options speeds up the OS a bit too.

Completely untrue. This has come up pleanty of times in the Hardware forum. There is no significant loss of performance when using NTFS over FAT32.

The way I look at it, FAT32 is a half ass, patched up version of the now 20 year old FAT file system used by DOS. NTFS has considerable less bagage and is a much newer FS that was desgined with higher performance demands in mind - after all, NT was originally intened as a high end, server OS. DOS/FAT is just a bastardized adaptation of CP/M that was developed by Microsoft in a very short period of time to be sold with IBM's then new PC in 1980-81.
Reply to post Fat vs Htfs

Thanks for the info guys looks like we have a draw I think I will stick with F32 for now The drive I am using is only used for music and I dont have any problem I just wanted to know when I install my new stuff If I should change the file system.

Thanks for the help guys
as long as your HD isn't very large, i don't think either decision is a wrong decision, and you can always change your mind down the road.

I have a linksys 10/100 connected to my desktop and my laptop, so i can sit in the living room and do some rough mixing and single-instrument dynamics processing while i watch the redskins on the big screen. i also have a 80gb ATA100-RAID0 which is too large for FAT32.