file sizes


New member
hi all, i save all my work as bun files but my question is why are these files so large. a song if you will is maybee ten trks. and the file size is 300+ mb. when you delete a trk. and rec. another where dose the first take go. i suspect that its still ther somewhere. should i be saving "song files" in a different formate. thanx
If you are using Sonar 2 or 3, use Per-Project Audio folders. This way you can always quickly and easily see which .WAV files belong to which clips.

300Mb for a .BUN file for 10 tracks doesn't sound that large. I have numerous things running around here which are well over the 1Gig mark.

Normally all of your audio live in the CAKEWALK PROJECTS\AUDIO DATA, maybe just AUDIO DATA if you are using an older version.


Download and run the Cakewalk Audio Finder tool from the support section of their website. This is an automated tool which will match existing .WAV files with their projects. It also identifies orphaned files, (.WAV files without a project), that CAN be safely deleted.


Hmmmm... I've been told that size doesn't matter??? :D

You can also run the Clean Audio Disk tool to get rid of unused takes.

Another issue could be slip edits. You need to Apply Trimming to get rid of the unwanted parts of the clip.

However, I agree with Querty. 300 MB is not that big.