file management blues!

A definate early Genesis feel.

I couldn't really tell you how to improve it, with that many tracks tweaking becomes a chore.
A unique arrangement of pickin and strumming. The sounds are blended well and you are using the landscape fully.

This is kind of a laid back and flowing tune that reaches for alot of peaks and after listening, I really wouldn't screw around with it very much.

Toki - thanks for listening. I'm working on those mids. What's a tape echoplex? Is that good or bad?

hehehe sometimes I forget from whence in time I came. "EchoPlex" was a standard for portable, controllable tape delays for many years. Preceding the "digitals".
They were fun to "sample" a rythym and let it loop and play with it, or play harmonies with yourself. It was sweet... ;)
I really enjoy your stuff as I think I have said before. This is another nice one. I love the variety in your tunes. This has such a lush feel which is really nice. Somewhere in those 100 or so tracks I think some punch is lost. I don't know how help. I think mostly the vocal levels need to be fine tuned. Ride the fader or try and compress. I think I would ride the fader as I think compression may make them sound more/too processed.

I love the guitars and the drums are great. Vox are perfect for the song.

I can't help but think Flaming Lips influences, but I am sure you hate when people try and say you sound like this or that. :)

Great work!