Figure you out


New member
Here is a new one that I really need to stop tweaking. Appreciate the comments.


  • Figure you out 6.mp3
    5.9 MB · Views: 18
I think the kick is too loud, or too upfront....listening on computer speakers so take with a grain of salt.
I agree, bring up the organ solo/break! Also I think your voice is a tad too forward in the mix (I said a tad). I would put a little (more?) reverb on it and/or bring it back a little bit.

Listening on computer speakers as well, so don't take this too seriously if the levels sound right to you.

Good job:thumbs up:
I agree with others regarding the organ and the need to back off on the vocals just a tad. Also- maybe consider either light compression or slight volume increase on the guitars in the first half of the song. If that makes them too forward-sounding, nevermind. I like the notes you're playing; I just wish it was a little more up there so the vocals didn't overpower them so much :)

Good stuff though!