Fender Guitar Websites and questions


New member
Does anybody know any good websites for Fender Guitars. In particular prices for mexican strats vs american strats. Whats the differences between standard/deluxe strats.

I just bought a Mexican strat for $300 in mint condition, I was wondering if this was a good deal or did I get ripped. It seemed like a good deal to me. Whats the difference between the american and mexican strats. I have heard the purists (I don't mean that in a bad way either) thoughts about the mexican.

Also, does anybody recommend any other pickups for this guitar or are the stock ones pretty good.

larry (A new Fender owner, my first):D
Uuummm... Well, a new one goes for about $350 or so I think.

As far as the pickups - MANY people would say you should definitely upgrade, but I would suggest playing it for a while. If you think the tone is lacking, then start exploring other pickup options. If you like it, leave it alone.
Here is my opinion........

If you can afford the money, or have the patience to save up, the American is well worth it. If you can't afford it, then the Mexican is plenty good.

Texas Specials AFTER you play the hell out of the stock pickups.
Don't waste money on upgrading a guitar when you'll never get your money back out.

Play the MIM a while and if you still like Stratocasters, eventually get an "American" series one when they're on sale. MF had close-out color "American" series Stratocasters and Telecasters on sale last week for $599.99 w/OHSC. That sale price comes along every time Fender changes colors or other features, so keep your eyes peeled.

Fender (like Gibson) turns out a lot of lemons, so learn what to look for in evaluating a guitar build - most people haven't a clue - and be sure you have a no-cost return policy on your purchase in event of defects as Fender (like Gibson) will not repair most of their defects under warranty. MF is pretty good about accepting returns at no cost to the customer in the event of defects.

Also, don't get tricked into buying a "Highway 1" at current prices.

Good luck.
gibs said:
Here's a newer, and I might add, a less uptight Fender place:

Yet another forum by/for those kicked off the FDP? :)

I'm not positive, but I think this was the place where I was flamed by an idiot regular who insisted the uneven binding on Les Pauls was a feature rather than an obvious defect. I left.

The FDP's main attraction is that it's a semi-official Fender site and is the only web forum where you can get information directly from Fender employees and execs. The arbitrary and schizoid moderation styles are mainly avoided by staying out of the non-gear general discussion forum, which is a waste of time anyway.

No web forum is idiot-proof, unfortunately, but it's a bad start when one is made up from people kicked off of another board.
All right,

My mexican strat came in the mail today. Put on new strings and my damn tremolo was sticking way out (put on mediums).

So I scratched my head:confused: :confused:

And pulled off the back (where the springs are). And said to myself I need more springs:cool: :cool:

I grabbed an old cheapo I had laying around, pulled the springs off that tremolo and It looked like they fit perfect.:D

Put em on, and tuned it up.

Very very cool. I've never seriously used a tremolo before. So if I can't move it fine by me!. This is my first fender and after messing with it for about 3 hours and playing for about 4. I absolutely love it.:) :) :)

I haven't even set the intonation yet, its close, not dead on though. But it plays smooth and I even like the stock pickups that came with it. And its a blueish-purple color, with a pearl 3-ply pic-guard, most excellent.

I appeciate the fender info, been checking it out, good stuff.



Looks gorgous.

I had a strat and could only use light strings or else the tremolo would be arched inward. Same thing with my friends..........never understood it..........
LocusLarsen said:
Looks gorgous.

I had a strat and could only use light strings or else the tremolo would be arched inward. Same thing with my friends..........never understood it..........

When that problem arises just take the backing plate off and tighten the screws that the tremolo springs are attached to...the tremolo will have more resistance........works like a charm.
LocusLarsen said:
Looks gorgous.

I had a strat and could only use light strings or else the tremolo would be arched inward. Same thing with my friends..........never understood it..........

When that problem arises just take the backing plate off and tighten the screws that the tremolo springs are attached to...the tremolo will have more resistance........works like a charm.

Or put more springs in it, It has room for five total. I assume thats what they're there for. I have five in mine now.

I personally dislike playing light strings. harder to stay in tune and sound thinner (at least to me, maybe psycological) I also know that medium will stay in tune much better.
