Fender FM 212R Stage Amp

Mine just came today

The Fender FM212R

Sounds great. Haven't had too much time to fool with it. Clean channel sounds Fender clean. Plenty of distortion if that is what you are going for. I haven't been able to turn this thing up past 3 or 4 yet without the animals running for cover and dirty looks from my wife. The only thing I noticed is that if you are running effects like the Tech 21 SansAmp use Input #2. Input #1 is more than enough for a straight guitar in, but if your pickups are really hot like the Fender Texas Specials or if you have an active guitar you will want to use Input #2 for greater control of tone. Like any piece of equipment you will have to spend some serious time with it until you find the tone that you are looking for.

I paid $299 for it from Musicians Friend. Was waiting for the Tech21 Trademark 60 but that thing is backordered until October so I got the Fender with the Tech21 SansAmp classic. Sounds great together and the price for both was less than the TM60. The FM212R has an effects loop and Footswitch for Channels and Drive/More drive. Would be nice to have the Reverb on the Footswitch also, but it really isn't necessary since the Reverb on the amp is for shit anyway. The Pre-Out straight out into my Peavey mixer works great and I can use the Reverb in the board, but it would be nice having a functioning Reverb on the amp itself. I don't know what it is. I probably will pull the Reverb box and see if they used screen door springs inside of it. There is really no difference between Reverb at 0 and Reverb at 10. It has standard RCA inputs on the Reverb box though so I may just replace it with something that works. I'll run some rca cables to my other amp and see if that Reverb works better. I have heard that the Reverb in these things suck so I was kinda expecting it. But if you are wondering whether to get one - IMHO I wish I could have been able to wait until October for the Tech21, but this amp is more than adequate and with the price under $300 it is a fair deal. I wasn't able to wait. I need something for gigs with another band I am in and with them there is no board to plug into so my little Johson practice amp was just not cutting it.

Anyways I'll post back here again and let you know how the amp works as a gigging rig.
